Chapter VII

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The next day I woke up and grabbed my sword, however, it was no longer Helios' Wrath. It returned to Helios' Light. I checked it and it was completely the same as it was before it was Helios' Wrath. Its firepower was drastically lowered, however, this sword should serve me well anyway.

   I dressed in the school uniform. Black undershirt, blue jacket, blue tie, and black long pants. This was the school uniform? I went outside to the dining room, seeing Liz in a uniform like mine but in different colors and a skirt. She had a white undershirt, red jacket, red tie, and a white skirt. It was long enough to the point where even if she spun nothing would show.

   "What do you think of my uniform! Pretty sexy right?" She was trying to brighten the mood. My sister was still on my mind so all I did was give a weak grin.

I ate the breakfast provided, it was so tasty but I wondered what my sister was eating. I sighed and devoured my food. Then stood up and cleaned my face and then got up. Liz stood up and giggled nervously after she ate and motioned for her to follow me.

"We'll be taking a carriage to our schools. We'll drop you off first since my school sorta near the barracks." I nodded and followed her with my bag, however, held her hands up.

   "Woah, Woah, Woah. You're not allowed to bring anything but your weapon."

   "What. Why?"

   "The schools in Zelena operate differently. We'll be living there for the whole school year." We got into the carriage. "These points are currency as well as your points towards graduation."

   "So how do you get points?" I tilted my head as I asked.

   "You get them for doing classwork, homework, attending class, betting on fights, gambling, and most importantly fighting people in official matches."

   "Wait what?" I was completely lost.

   "You start with 1000 points. There's a whole ranking system with these points and you can buy better things. However, it's also the school's obedience system, you do something bad and you lose points."

   "So you climb with the school leaderboard with points by battling, schoolwork, and attendance." She nodded.

   "However, the school gear, food, and clothing will cost you points. You need to know how to efficiently use your points to survive. Each month you get 300 points which are enough for you to get basic necessities, like toilet paper and notebooks."

   "Pretty cool." I began thinking that I should get only the cheapest food that can satisfy me, even if it tastes bad. "So this teaches you how to manage your finances as well?"

   She nodded. "Students from all over the place, from commoners to nobles, go to these two exact schools. Lots of people fail to use their points and have to sell their services. I mean they could also starve too."

   I shook my head, I knew how starvation felt without feeling it. Those souls I ate before reincarnation must have given me their experiences. Their pain, suffering, happiness, emptiness, and sadness. They're living through me.

I didn't bother to start up a conversation because I was thinking about all the bools they'd have that I could buy permanently with the points. Liz fell asleep though, her sleeping face was pretty cute. Until she starts drooling a bit.

A little time later and we arrived at Merlock Academy. I shook Liz awake and said goodbye. When I got out, there was a large number of people, wearing their school uniform and going through the gate. Some people tried to smuggle servants, clothing, and other materials into the school. They were scolded and threaten with being dropped right away before the exams.

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