Chapter VIII

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I whispered to my sword. "Dull yourself and lower your heat."

It vibrated gently, while Morgan didn't bring out a sword. She was going to use magic and most likely her fists. So she was a magic brawler of some sort.

"Are you both ready?" Selendis looked to both of us and we responded by nodding. Selendis however, looked at me. "You better win."

Then she lifted her hand up and let it fall while saying. "Battle start!"

   She ran towards me while casting Ice Magic. I took a deep breath in and let it out. Casting Fire Magic and Shadow Magic simultaneously. She wasn't a visual caster for one thing, I saw her mouth move meaning she had to mutter the words in order to use her magic.

   I ran towards her, wrapping the shadows I created around me as a shield. Then I used the fireballs I created to throw themselves at the ice fragments. When they met, the countered each other out and created steam. I activated Ruthless Strikes which was pretty much speedy Power Strikes at 1/2 power.

"Rapid Strikes," I heard her mutter as well as. "Winter's Blade." She had created a sword made of Ice and Steel. Winter's Blade was powerful enough to withstand a sword blessed by Helios.

   "Wrath ignite!" Our swords clashed against each other, we parried and blocked each other without any problems. Her sword on the other hand began creating steam as my sword burned a bright blur. Originally I wasn't going to use too much of the sword's attributes. To empower my sword even more, I activated Aura of Wrath.

   My foe began making whining noises that sounded exactly like a sad dog or wolf. Her tail went between her legs but she was still standing. We fought on, until she dropped onto her knees and was paralyzed by fear. I hovered the tip of my sword against her neck, the flames of it extinguishing.

"Alexander is victorious! As expected." Selendis giggled after, while Morgan on the other hand, her tail was wagging eagerly.

"I found my mate!" She then covered her hand with ice and pushed my sword down and tackled me. He lips then pressing onto mines as her tail wagged faster.

   "Hey! Get off him!" Selendis ran over and began pulling Morgan's tail, which just caused her to stop kissing me and hiss at her. Me on the other hand, I was still recovering from the sudden kiss.

When I recovered, Selendis was holding Morgan and she was hissing trying to pounce onto me again. I pushed myself up and rubbed the back of my head. "I didn't expect that at all."

   I dusted myself off and looked at my HP. I had lost exactly 500 HP from that surprise tackle. Her strength must be very high for that to happen!

   Anyway, Morgan was taken away from me. I'll be honest with you, a wolf girl is kinda hot. Well that wasn't the only thing, I felt the glares of beast-kins and half-kins on my neck. I was pretty much challenged to a duel by 8 people. I made their tail tuck between their legs with my aura.


   There was a surprise as well! A written test that was tested our knowledge of magic, not required but it drastically boosts your score. I took it of course, a few were at a disadvantage because they were illiterate, but they were ensured that they would learn how to read and write.

I attempted it and wrote the things that popped up in my head about it. It was pretty weird but I was definitely using the experiences of the ones I ate to help me. I feel bad for eating those souls now. Can't help them now, since they're a part of me now.

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