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Warning cursing, blood, and gore.
Mami's p.o.v
The last thing I remember was me, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko fighting a whole horde of demons on a cliff.  I remember sensing a demons presence but before I could turn around it stabbed me in the back. I looked down and noticed it's hand submerged inside of me. I turned around and kicked it's arm so hard it disconnected from it's body. I then pulled the arm from inside of me.
Blood squirted all over my backside and my hair but I could care less.
"That's a deep wound." I say looking at the very badly bleeding hole in my stomach.
"Y/n are you okay?" Tanjiro asks.
"I'm fine just keep fighting." I say regenerating my stomach.
I was about to slice this demons head off but it picked me up and threw me off the clip. As I was falling my entire life flashed before my eyes.
How I met Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko when Nii~san introduced me to them.
How I met Rengoku and how he taught me to fight a demon with a fire sword while training me to become a hashira. All that put to waste because if one measly little demon.
"Be strong my friends." I whisper to them before going unconscious.
"WHERE THE HELL AM I?" I ask shooting up from the hospital bed.
"Oh hell no I gotta get home."! I say unplugging myself from the machines.
"Where are my swords?" I ask looking around for them.
"In confinement." A deep yet tired voice asks.
"Who the hell are you?" I ask turning around to see an old man.
"My names eraser head kid but you can call me Aizawa." He says.
"Your blood smells weird." I say sniffing a habit I had picked up from Tanjiro and Nezuko and Inosuke.
"Where are they?" I ask witty lacing in my voice.
"Where are who?" Aizawa asks.
"Where am I?" I ask.
"Your in Japan." He says.
"No I'm not I was in Japan when that demon threw me off of that cliff." I say.
"What the hell is happening?" I ask.
"Alright kid how about you calm down and tell us everything you know." Aizawa says a few police officers say coming in.
"I want my swords and Rengoku's cape back first." I say.
"Sure go get it." Aizawa says.
A few minutes later they come back with all my swords.
After explaining basically the entire demon slayer timeline.
"So what you're telling us is that where you come from demons exist and you and your little boyfriends and girlfriend fight along side your older brother and    a flame dude named Rengoku who gave you this cloak and a demon threw you off a cliff and that's the last thing you remember?" Aizawa asks.
"Pretty much and were not dating." I say.
"Alright well you are gonna have to go somewhere so after UA's trip to the USJ you will be enrolled into a High School." Aizawa says.
(For the sake of this story let's just pretend that the kids of demon slayer are like 15 and 16.)
"No thanks." I refuse.
"I wasn't offering." Aizawa says getting up.
"Why are you still sitting there come on let's go." Aizawa says.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"To my place you need a place to stay." Aizawa says.
"I was perfectly fine with helping Tanjiro sell charcoal." I mutter.
Mami knew she would hate it at first but soon she will realize that she loves the people like family maybe even more.
Let's go check back in with demon slayer...
"Do you see her Inosuke?" Tanjiro asks.
"No I don't see my queen she isn't down there." Inosuke says climbing back up.
"Where did Mami~Chan go?" Zenitsu asks panicking.
"Hey she's strong I'm sure she's fine." Tanjiro says.
"Let's go tell Giyuu and Rengoku." Tanjiro says.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY SISTER IS GONE?!??!" Giyuu asks looking at them.
"We were fighting demons when all of a sudden a demon threw her off of the cliff." Tanjiro says.
"Oh no not the fair princess." Rengoku says.
"We gotta find her." Zenitsu says.
"Nezuko can't smell her demon scent so we don't really know where to look." Tanjiro says.
"Well then let's start at the cliff." Giyuu says.
"Wait Nezuko smells something." Tanjiro says.
"What is is Nezuko?" Tanjiro asks.
"She said she smells Y/n's scent but it's in another universe?" Tanjiro says in a questioning tone.
Nezuko nods.
"Well then how are we gonna travel from one dimension to another?" Inosuke asks.
"There might be a way." Giyuu says
To be continued...
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I know it's not much for a first chapter but it's something. The next chapter will be epic.

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