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Mami's p.o.v
It had been a week since Aizawa had taken me into his care.
Not gonna lie it was a little hectic at first with Midnight or as she wanted me to call her Auntie took me shopping every chance she could get, All Might kept begging me to meet his "successor", and well Snipe kept trying to teach me how to shoot a gun but I kept telling him I was more of a sword person.
Today was the day Aizawa was taking his class on a field trip to some sort of USJ I think it was called.
A few hours later
I had awoken from my dream of being home with my friends and family.
Something didn't feel right.
"He's in danger." I say my eyes glowing red and green super brightly.
"Total Concentration: Ice Breathing first form." I say running super quickly to where I could smell his danger and bloodied scent from.
Once I get there I see Aizawa beaten and bloody on The ground.
"Who hurt him?" I ask in a dark tone.
I then turn around and see a super high class looking demon.
"What class demon are you? How are you even in the sunlight?" I ask.
"No matter Ive beaten demons like you before." I say pulling out my sword.
"Total Concentration: Ice breathing Second form: Ice Slash!" I shout slicing him up.

"Total Concentration: Ice breathing Second form: Ice Slash!" I shout slicing him up

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(This is what she looks like)
It had marks all over it but it just regenerated.
"So you can regenerate hmm I'd say 3rd class pretty high." I say.
3rd person p.o.v
"WHO THE HELL IS SHE????!?!!" All of class 1A ask.
"Kid get out of here." Aizawa says somehow.
The nomu then rips her arm off.
"OH MY GODDDDDD IS SHE OKAY?!??!!" Class 1A asks.
"Hahahahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahaha!" Mami laughs crazily.
Mami's arm just regenerates.
"WHATTTTTTTTTTT?!?!??" All of class 1A scream.
"Kurogiri take care of these brats." Shigaraki says.
Kurogiri than opens up a whole lot of portals.
Mami falls into the one with Momo, Jirou, and Kaminari.
"Where am I?" Mami asks standing up.
She sees villains surrounding her and the other kids.
The villains had grabbed her.
"What do we do?" Denki asks.
"Can't you electrocute them?" Jirou asks.
"If I did I would end up electrocuting you guys too along with the cute girl up there." Denki argues.
Jirou then kicks him up to the main villain holding Mami.
Mami just looks at Denki and gives him this heartwarming smile and a nod telling him to do what he had to do.
Mami prepared herself for the worst pain.
"1.3 million bolts." Denki says electrocuting everyone in his path except for Momo and Jirou.
Mami's veins were glowing yellow and they were showing through her skin.
Mami then thought back to a lesson Oni~San had taught her.
"Whenever you find yourself in a life threatening situation just remember to breath, stay focused, and think of something or someone that makes you happy." Giyuu says before fading away to dust.
Mami's eyes snap open only to notice that all the bad guys were on the ground and Momo, Jorou, and Denki were on the ground unconscious.
Mami picks up her swords and dashes off to where she remembers seeing Aizawa.
"Ahhhh!!!?!?" She hears a voice yell.
Mami then runs towards the boat.
"Ahhh IS SHE TRYING TO SAVE US OR KILL US??!!?!?!?" Mineta asks scared for his life.
"I think she's helping us." Deku says.
Mami then slashes the villains in the ocean.
Mami than lands in the boat.
"Who are you?" Mineta asks.
"My name is Mami Tomioka. I am the sister to Giyuu Tomioka. I am a Hashira in training." Mami says.
"Why are you helping us?" Deku asks.
Mami then stands up and gets a closer look at his face.
"Because young warrior it is in my bloodline to help those who I think need it." Mami says holding Deku's cheek with her hand.
"So close." Deku says in his head his face beating Rengokus hair.
"Alright we've gotta figure out a way off this boat." Tsu says.
"So we know that there are villains surrounding the entire boat." Deku says.
"Before we come up with a plan can I learn all you guys names?" Mami asks.
"Oh sure I'm Izuku Midoriya." Deku says.
"*sniff* Deku ok." Mami says.
"My name is Tsuyu Asui I basically have every aspect of a frog oh and please call me Tsu." Tsuyu says.
"*sniff* Froppy got it." Mami says.
"Alright what about you grape juice?" Mami asks looking at Mineta.
"M-my name is Mineta Minoru and I can throw these purple sticky balls off of my head and we're lucky because I had a good shit this morning." Mineta says.
"Alright Deku the young warrior what about you?" Mami asks.
"I can shoot powerful blasts out of my body." Deku says.
"Alright what about you Froppy?" Mami asks.
"I basically have every thing a frog has." Tsuyu says.
"Okay I don't have a plan I'm not use to fighting humnas." Mami says.
Deku then starts muttering.
"I got it." Deku yells out.
"Mami can you swim?" Deku asks.
"Yes I can." Mami says.
"Can you use your swords underwater?" Deku asks.
"No." Mami says.
"Can you fight with your swords?" Deku asks.
"I can." Mami says.
"Great in you go." Deku says throwing Mami into the water.
"Wait no-mmffff!!!!" Mami shouts.
Mami just rolls her eyes and swims towards the villains.
Mami then growls and starts slicing the villains.
'I thought she said she couldn't use her powers underwater. Was that a lie?' Deku asks himself.
With the demon slayers
"So there's a scroll somewhere in here that'll teach us how to travel from our dimension to whatever dimension Mami was transported into?" Zenitsu asks Giyuu.
"Yes all we have to do is find it." Giyuu says pulling out multiple old books.
Tanjiro had a sense of worry wash over him like he could feel the pain that Mami was feeling.
"Guys I think Mami's in danger." Tanjiro says out loud.

The Demon Slayer That Is A Demon (Bnha x Kny)Where stories live. Discover now