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Mami was still cutting through the evil people when she did the little mermaid jump out ( you know the one where she jumps up and her hair is like in the air and that position) of the water to yell at Deku.
"Now Deku!" She yells diving back in.
Deku jumps up and flicks his finger at the water.
All the villains and Mami are caught in a whirlpool.
"Woah." Mami says spinning around.
"Mami can you use your swords to get out of there?" Deku asks as Asui catches him and Mineta.
"No you guys go I'll stay here and make sure these guys don't escape." Mami says still spinning around.
"Okay let's go guys." Deku says rushing Asui and Mineta towards Aizawa.
With the demon slayers...
"What do you mean she's in danger?" Giyuu asks concerned for his little sister.
"I don't know it's like we're connected I can sorta see through her eyes." Tanjiro says.
"I see sunken boat and a huge whirlpool with people spinning around and I see Mami." Tanjiro says.
"Is she okay?" Giyuu asks.
"I think so I think she's keeping an eye on the bad guys." Tanjiro says blinking.
Giyuu and Rengoku then pull out a giant book covered in dust and cobwebs.
"This is the teleporting breathing technique." Rengoku says cheerfully.
"This will hopefully help us get to where Mami is so we can bring her back home." Giyuu says.
"How are we getting Nezuko there?" Tanjiro asks.
"I think if she stays in your back she should be fine." Rengoku says.
"Okay let's go get our friend back." Zenitsu says putting his fist in the air.
Back with Mami
Mami hears a deep voice coming form the entrance.
"I AM HERE!" All Might yells.
"Yes we're saved!" Mami cheers.
After the USJ incident because everyone forgot about Mami.
"Wait where's Mami?" Deku asks looking around for the girl.
"Here I am." Mami says appearing upside down on a tree.
"Sorry Iguro taught me that." Mami says hopping down.
"Kid who are you?" Present Mic asks coming towards her with the rest of the teachers who hadn't met her yet.
"My name is Mami Tomioka Aizawa and I am a hashira in training pleasure to make your acquaintance Presentation Micheal." Mami says getting on one knee.
"No need to bow kid." Present Mic says blushing because he isn't used to the big words.
"Ohh aren't you just adorable." Midnight shrieks running time hug Mami.
Mami's forehead then starts bleeding and blue fire comes out and shoots and nearly misses Midnight.
"What was that?" Present Mic asks scared.
"Oh did I forget to mention I'm part demon?" Mami asks.
"You did." Present a Mic says.
"Hmm Mami Tomioka I want you to come to UA when we get back and I want you to try it out." Nezu says.
"Ok." Mami says not knowing what a school was since Giyuu had taught her everything she needed to know.
The next week
"Class please welcome your new student Mami Tomioka." Iida says.
"Hello everyone my name is Mami Tomioka and I am a hashira in training pleasure to meet you all." Mami says walking into the room in a skirt that is too small for her and Rengoku's cape flowing from her blazer.
"Mami you go to school now?" Deku asks confused.
"Yes young warrior Deku I was given an offer I could not refuse." Mami says.
"Miss Tomioka if you choose to come to our school we shall give you a free pass to all you can eat food." Nezu says.
"Mmm food!" Mami says fantasizing about all the food.
"Okay will you stay?" Nezu asks.
"Of course." Mami says letting her Rengoku show.
Flashback over
"Mami are you okay?" Tsuyu asks.
"Oh yeah I'm fine." Mami says she then looks at Shoji and Tokoyami.
"Demons." Mami yells running toward the two.
Mami then pulls out her two swords and she attempts to slice their heads off but Deku and Asui hold her back.
"Let me go it is my job as a hashira to kill any and all demons." Mami orders.
"No way you can't kill them their our classmates." Deku says pulling her into his lap.
"Classmates?" Mami asks confusion in her tone.
"Anyway I wonder who's teaching our class today since Aizawa is still out injured?" Mina asks.
And as if he could somewhat sense her calling his name the man himself Shota Aizawa walks through the 1A door.
"I see Ilda has already introduced our new classmate." Aizawa says walking towards his table wrapped in bandages like a mummy.
"I have news about the upcoming sports festival." Aizawa says.
"What's the sports festival?" Mami asks clueless.
"It's this huge event where all the classes come together to compete in randomized challenges." Deku explains to Mami.
"Oh thank you young warrior deku I will do my best to compete and win this 'sports festival' you all talk so greatly about." Mami declares.
"About that kid you kinda can't compete." Aizawa says.
"What why?" Mami whines.
""Because you don't have a quirk and your swords won't protect you." Aizawa says.
"Nezu's orders and you'll have a 3rd year watching over you at all times." Aizawa says.
"That is so unfair." Mami whines sinking down in her seat.
Not my rules kid." Aizawa says.
"And then after the sports festival we're gonna have the internships you will get to participate in this because we're gonna recommend you to some pro heroes." Aizawa says.
"Ok." Mami says.
"No way am I sitting this out this is my chance to prove myself as a hashira and a hero." Mami thinks in her head.
"I miss home." Mami cries in her head not feeling the tears fall down her face.
"Hey Mami are you ok?" Deku asks.
"I miss my home." Mami cries.
"I miss Sanemi, and Giyuu~San, and Rengoku, and Tanjirou, and Nezuko~Chan, and Zenitsu, and maybe Shinobu, and Inosuke, and Mitsuri, and all my friends and family." Mami cries.
"Hey it's ok." Deku says.
Who should Mami intern with?



My oc


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