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"Shrimpy!" A voice behind Shouyou called out. Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Yachi turned faster than the ginger did and the males held their arms out protectively while Yachi led Hinata into the kitchen.

"Ahaha~ I just remembered! Us managers need help cooking lunch! You can help us, right, Hinata?" Hurriedly, she pushed him toward the kitchen, giving a thumbs up to the chaotic duo. "What do you want with our precious Hinata?!" Nishinoya growled.

"Oh, do you want the full list or just one thing?" Snarkly replied Oikawa, trying to walk past the two, but was stopped by Tanaka's body. He frowned. "I want to see Shrimpy, so would you move already? You know you can't keep him all to yourselves."

"And who said he wanted to see you? Just leave already, or do you want to fight?" Scowling, both Noya and Tanaka crossed their arms, but Oikawa just chuckled lowly.

He pretended as if he were going to run past them on their left, causing them to also shoot that way to block him, but at the last second, he went right and ran past them. "Good luck keeping him from everyone else!"


Oikawa didn't know where Hinata had run off to, sadly, so he was forced to go to the cafeteria with his teammates. "Hmm? Something smells really nice..." Noted Bokuto as he tugged Akaashi toward the double doors leading to the cafeteria.

"Bokuto-San, I can walk on my own." An irritated Akaashi sighed, pulling his arm out of Bokuto's grip. The captain paid no mind to it. They made it to their table and sat down, waiting for the food to be done.

After all the teams were sat down and chatting with one another, the doors to the kitchen were opened rather aggressively. "Time to eat, guys!" Shouyou exclaimed, shocking everyone, especially a certain few.

Kenma dropped his phone at the familiar voice, looking up at Kuroo to see if he had noticed before turning his gaze to the familiar ginger. They had been talking often over the phone, but Shouyou hadn't mentioned a training camp.

"Oh, Kenma! Hey!" The ginger spotted the pudding head first and ran over to him, lifting him out of his seat and wrapping him in a hug. "I didn't know you'd be here! This is awesome! We'll get to play volleyball together!"

Lots of glares were sent their way as people stood to get their food. "I'm here too! Do you do this on purpose?!" Kuroo pulled the ginger away from Kenma to face his frowning expression. "Kuroo-Senpai?! I didn't see you, sorry! But I'm happy you're here too!"

As if to show his appreciation, Shouyou began ruffling at Kuroo's hair, causing the senpai to release his grip on the ginger's collar and lean into the touch. "Mmh~ That's more like it..."

"Heya, Hinata! Come eat!" Sugawara shouted, sitting at their table with his tray. "Oh, coming! Bye Kenma, Kuroo-Senpai! I'll see you later!" When Hinata began jogging over to his team, his wrist was grabbed and he was practically thrown backwards.

He yelped, thankful for what- whoever broke his fall. Members from every team heard the adorable, puppy-like noise and turned faster than a fan blade, ready to defend and protect the little ginger.

Frightened, Shouyou's wide, caramel eyes looked upward to meet familiar, golden ones. Both of Bokuto's arms were wrapped tightly around Hinata's waist, pushing him up against his chest.

"Hi. Na. Ta!" With each syllable he sounded out, he drew his face closer to the ginger's until their noses were touching. "B-Bo... kuto-Senpai?!"

Just as Tanaka and Nishinoya (the dubbed: Ultimate Shouyou Guardians) made it to them, someone ripped Hinata away from Bokuto, causing the said male to frown. "Akaashi~ Give me my future husband back~"

"Hah?! The fuck you spouting, owl?!" Tanaka took Hinata's arm and attempted to bring him to himself, but Akaashi's grip didn't falter. "Let him go," Nishinoya snarled, cracking his fingers as if to prepare for a fight.

"Um, wait a second! I know them! Please, don't fight!" Laughing awkwardly, Hinata turned around to face Akaashi, who hummed quietly at the attention. "It's nice to see you again, Akaashi-San!"

Then, Shouyou turned to the dejected Bokuto, reaching out to him and taking his hand in his much smaller one, swinging them softly. "Hey, Bokuto-Senpai!" The way Bokuto lit up and wrapped the ginger in a hug pissed everyone off even more.

"Hey, hey, hey, Hinata!"


Eventually, Hinata did get to his table and got to eat with the others. And afterward, the coaches instructed everyone to spend the rest of the day settling in and exploring the town since the gyms were being cleaned today.

Like a pack of hungry wolves, everyone was surrounding Hinata in an instant. It was chaotic. "I'm-I'm sorry, guys, but I have something I need to do, so..."

Quickly, two hands reach out to him, each one taking hold of Hinata's arms and pulling him out of the overwhelming crowd of people. The next thing the ginger knew, he was being pulled through a hallway and away from the cafeteria.

"W-Woah, Oikawa-Senpai? Iwaizumi-Senpai? Where are we going?" Shouyou tried to stop, but this only caused Iwaizumi to turn around and hoist him over his shoulder. "Let's go on a date, Shrimpy! Also, Iwa-Chan, let me hold him!"

"No way in hell," was Iwaizumi's reply. "Wait, wait, wait! Let me get my journal at least!"

"Hmm? Journal? Why do you need a journal?" Hinata seemed to become rather flustered at the seemingly casual question and began squirming in Iwaizumi's grip.

Frowning, the black-haired male tightened his grip on Shouyou's thighs, causing a mewl to leave Shouyou's mouth. His small body completely relaxed against Iwaizumi as a blush spread over his fluffy cheeks.

Both the taller males stared at each other with shocked faces before their gazes landed on Hinata. "What was-"

"N-Nothing! Please-Please, ignore that!" As they made it to Karasuno's shared room, Iwaizumi carefully placed Shouyou down so he could grab his things, staring at the hand that had easily carried the little ginger.

"Lucky bastard..." muttered Oikawa, crossing his arms and pouting like a child.


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