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Back With Karasuno


"We borrowed your precious tangerine ;)," Sugawara read aloud, crinkling the paper with his balled fist. So, in a daze of anger and worry, Karasuno proceeded to barge into every room until they had spotted their dear little ginger.


Present Time


Atsumu and Osamu both groaned at the noise, one of the two even throwing a pillow at them. "Shut up; It's too early for that shit~" The grey-haired male growled, inhaling Shouyou's sweet scent as he tried to lull himself back to sleep with it.

"Um, Osamu-Senpai, I think we should wake up now. We have to go get breakfast and-" He cut himself off with a yelp when he felt himself being yanked upward and into someone's arms. The twins complained about the loss of warmth.

Shouyou could only lay sleepy and confused in the arms of his savior. The next thing he knew, he was being carried away with Nishinoya at his side, and Tanaka being the one carrying him.

"We'll go get your stuff first, then we can go and eat. You really gave us a scare this morning, Shouyou!" Nishinoya cried, taking the ginger's hand and placing it on his cheek. Giggling sleepily, Shouyou caressed beneath his eye with his small thumb.

"Sorry, guys," he murmured.

Tsukishima felt the need to speak up about how he had awoken to Shouyou crying last night but buried the little secret inside himself. Everyone would just barrage the little ginger with worry and questions, so it would be nothing but an inconvenience.


Once Shouyou had downed his breakfast, he placed his tray on the rack and stretched his arms out, accidentally bumping shoulders with someone. "Oh, I'm sorry!" The person had purplish hair.

The purplette dumped his tray and put it on the rack, turning to Shouyou with a bashful smile. " No, it was my bad! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, ahaha~"

The almost awkward expression on the male's face reminded him of the face Natsu would make when she was meeting someone new. Almost instantly, Hinata's face softened and he reached up to place a hand on the purplette's head.

"It was my fault, so I'm sorry." His voice was soft and smooth-- almost motherly. "What's your name?" Shouyou asked once he removed his hand and gave the blushing male some space. "Er, Go-Goshiki?"

"Goshiki? That's a pretty name! I like it! Goshiki-San, what team are you on?" Flustered, Goshiki pointed to his team's table and waited for Shouyou to read the back of one of their jackets.

"Shiratorizawa? Awesome! You must be, like, super awesome! I think Coach said something about us going against you guys sometime today, so be prepared for that!" Jokingly, Hinata nudged his elbow into Goshiki's arm before his teammates called him back over.

"Oh, gotta go, Goshiki-San! See you later!" With a quick arm pat, Shouyou left the confused, flustered male to stand alone. "Hinata, you shouldn't be so friendly with everyone else," grumbled Nishinoya, crossing his arms with a pout.

Hinata giggled, holding his arms out to the gremlin. "I like making friends though!" Shouyou laughed out, snuggling his face into the crook of Nishinoya's neck. His body was suddenly yanked away, and he fell into a hug with someone else, his feet dangling off the ground.

"Good morning, Hinata!" Bokuto exclaimed, tightening his grip on the ginger just slightly to keep him off the ground. He chuckled lowly at all the glares. "Bokuto-Senpai?! You-You gotta stop surprising me like that! I'm gonna have a heart attack one day!"

A much louder laugh left the senpai's lips. "Sorry, sorry! I'll warn you next time, ahaha!" Hinata laughed with him, his eyes falling onto the irritated Akaashi behind him. "Oh, Akaashi-San! Good morning to you too!"

The irritated look fell into a more content one, and he greeted Shouyou with a smile, gently taking a hold of his small hand and pulling him from Bokuto's grip. "You're really warm, Akaashi-San," muttered the ginger, snuggling closer to the black-haired male.

"Makes me... sorta sleepy..." When he closed his eyes to fully experience the soft warmth leaving Akaashi, he was, once again, pulled away. "You guys are too selfish," he muttered when he felt Shouyou's small body leave his.

The comment was directed at Karasuno, and, before Daichi, the one who took the ginger away, could retort, the doors to the cafeteria were flung open, and in walked the coaches. "Alright, everyone! Off to the gyms in ten!"

"Hai!" The volleyball players replied.


"Ugh, I'm so tired~" Hinata whined, flopping back-first onto the floor. Kageyama clicked his tongue and pulled him back up. "Don't just lay there, or your body's gonna get stiff! Go stretch!"

Grumbling, Shouyou began stretching reluctantly, thinking about the nice, warm shower he was going to indulge in later. The redhead from the other team appeared in front of him, smiling.

During their break after their first match, Shouyou had gotten to know most of the opposite team.

"Heya, Hinata-Kun~" He sang, squatting down to the male and grinning widely, which Shouyou happily returned. "Hey, Tendou-Senpai!" The senpai from Shiratorizawa placed a hand on his head and threaded his fingers through the orange hair.

"What are you doing after dinner?" Placing a finger to his lips, Hinata looked up in thought. "I'm going to sleep, then I might go skat-"

"Absolutely not," Sugawara butted in, bending down behind Shouyou and subtly knocking Tendou's hand off of the ginger's head to place his own there. Tendou frowned.

"We didn't plan sleepovers with you for nothing, Shouyou. The same rules apply here: you have to get a whole night's sleep." The captain of Shiratorizawa called Tendou over, stating that they were about to leave. The frown on Tendou's face etched deeper.

After seeing Shouyou's caring, sweet personality and seeing his amazing reflexes, jumps, and skills in volleyball, it was only obvious that Tendou wanted to know more about him. Anyone who met the little ginger would want to.

"I'll see you later, Hinata~-Kun~" A large hand was placed on Shouyou's knee, and Tendou could feel all the bumps from the ginger's bones beneath his fingertips. Giving it a gentle squeeze, he stood and took his leave.

"Bye, Tendou-Senpai~!" Shouyou called after him, waving. "Sorry, Sugawara-Senpai. I won't leave tonight, so don't worry!" Reassuringly, Hinata placed a hand atop the one in his hair, caressing the top of it with his thumb.

Sugawara smiled so softly, it reminded Hinata of his mother.


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