5. Fairy Tale

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What do I do? He just admitted to liking me...I've never really been in a situation like this...So, I did what I thought was the best option.

"We should talk about this later. Mr. Prenderghast said this needed to be done and we don't even have the book.

"Oh! Right, but do you like me as well?" Norman asked hopefully. My cheeks heated up and I smiled.

"Yes, Norman. Yes, I do" I said honestly. "Now, let's go. We don't want your sister finding out we snuck out"

We walked down the stairs, hoping they wouldn't creak. We heard Courtney on the phone, probably talking to one of her friends.

"So, I said to her, "Girl, come back and talk to me when your basket toss gets 12,000 hits on YouTube!" Courtney said proudly.  "Yeah. No, I said that.
Yeah, I'm stuck on lame patrol. Tonight's going to be a total yawn"

We quickly ran into the kitchen and walked out the back door. Norman closed it, but accidentally slammed it.

"Norman!" Courtney shouted. She was so loud I could hear her through the door. "You better not be sneaking out, you little weirdo!"

We quickly ran away from the house. I tripped over the curb because instead of looking ahead of me I was looking back at the house.

"Are you okay?" Norman asked in worry. He knelt down and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I brushed off his worry. He helped me up and we kept going.

We ran as fast as we could, not really caring if we ran into people. Which did happen. We saw someone dancing, quite terribly to hip hop music. There were two people watching, who were unimpressed.

We ran past them, messing up his dance. I looked back and realized the person was Alvin. Serves him right.

We finally arrived at Mr. Prenderghasts cabin. It was run down and old, but nonetheless we went in.

"Hello?" I called. "Mr. Prenderghast?"

We continued to walk and Norman accidentally ran into a spider web.

"Ugh!" He exclaimed in disgust.

We reached the main part of the cabin and saw Mr. Prenderghasts corpse lying on the floor. I plugged my nose, it smelled terrible. I looked closer and saw, in his hands, was a book. That must be the book we need to read.

I made my way over to the body, but Norman put his hand in front of me. I looked at him confused.

"I'll get it for you" He offered. I raised an eyebrow.

"As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm gonna have to say 'no'. We're gonna help each other, he wouldn't of asked us both if he wanted only one of us to do the work" I stated.

We walked towards the body and I tried to pull it out of his hands. But it wouldn't budge. Norman tried and still, nothing.

He yanked it, in the process pulling Mr. Prenderghasts corpse off the ground. But he did get the book.

My eyes widened when the corpse began to fall. It would have fallen on Norman if I hadn't of grabbed it. I lied it back on the ground and let out a shaky breath.

"Okay...we have the book. Only one thing to do now" I began. He nodded.

"Read from the book, stop the curse, go home, and pretend this never happened" Norman recited.

We walked out of the cabin and towards the place we had to read the book. I looked around at the five graves.

"I'm getting the creeps from this place" I stated. Norman agreed. We opened the book.

"Once upon a time, in a far-off Iand, there Iived a king and a queen in a magnificent castle." I began.

"What? A fairy tale?" Norman asked in confusion. Suddenly, the book was yanked out of my hands.

"Ooh, what have you got there, Geekula?" Dammit...Alvin

"No! Give it back!" I demanded. Alvin just laughed.

"Oh, I can't wait to see everybody's faces when they hear about this one" Alvin sneered.

"No, no. Don't! Alvin!" Norman said, trying to jump up and reach the book. Although, I was taller than Norman, Alvin was still taller than me and I couldn't reach the book.

"Hey! Nobody makes me miss
out on a possible date with a girl that almost had some interest in talking to me" Alvin said. I opened my mouth the say something, but closed it when I saw lightening forming in the sky. "Yeah? Thought so! You got nothing to say"

"Uh-oh" Norman and I said in unison.

"Dang straight, "Uh-oh."" Alvin said proudly. "That's what happens when Alvin gets around here. "Uh-oh, is that Alvin?" "Uh-oh, Alvin's going to make
me run home to Mommy.""

The sound of thunder rumbling, Norman looked at me in horror. Alvin turned around and looked up. A face was forming in the clouds.

"Uh-oh" Alvin said. "What is that?"

"It's her" I answered.

Norman and I gasped in fear. We heard loud thudding and we all looked around.

"What's that sound?" Alvin asked.

A green hand shot out of a grave. This is not happening. Norman snatched the book out of Alvin's hands.

"Once upon a time, in a far-off..." He began. But trailed off.

"Once upon a time, in a..." I said. I gulped in fear as zombies teared out of the ground.

"Make it stop, please, now please!" Alvin cried. I tried to read the story, but kept stuttering and losing my spot.

"It's not working!" Norman stated. The zombies were completely out of the ground now.

"Stop!" One of the zombies groaned.

"Stop?" Norman questioned.

"You must stop!" The zombie moaned.

"What?" I asked in complete and utter confusion.

"Norman? Y/N! What are you doing?" Alvin asked as he pushed my shoulder. "I think I peed my pants!"

Can he not hear the zombies? Is this another weird perk of my ghost-talking abilities? Zombie-talking abilities?

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Ghostie~ (Norman Babcock x reader: Paranorman Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now