3. Ghost Dog

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Neil pulled us to his house, eager to play with his deceased dog. We went to the back of his house where a teenager, probably in highschool was working on a car. I couldn't see his face because he was underneath the vehicle.

"Neil? Is that you?" The boy asked.

"Hey, Mitch. We're going to go play with the dead dog in the garden, and we're not even going to have to dig him up first!" Neil said excitedly. This so called Mitch went to sit up, but just hit his head on the car. He groaned.

"have to dig him up first!" Mitch exclaimed. Once again he tried to sit up, but he just hit his head again. He slid out from underneath the car.

"You're digging what? What?
What did you say?" Mitch asked. He saw Norman and I standing behind Neil and leaned closer to Neil.

"Neil, who is that girl? And isn't he that weird kid? You know, "Look at me, I'm talking to ghosts
so people will pay attention to me."" Mitch whispered. But we both heard it.

"Can you stop doing that? It's kind of stupid" Neil stood up for Norman and I.

"Now, Iisten to me. You don't need to be hanging out with weird people. Okay? That's a tip" Mitch said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Don't blow this for me, Mitch.
These one's aren't weird. They talk to dead people!" Neil said in excitement. He grabbed Norman and I's wrist once again and dragged us to the yard.

"He's around here somewhere.
So, does everyone come back as a ghost?" Neil asked.

"No" I answered.

"My grandma told me it's usually people who still have stuff to figure out, or sometimes it's the ones who died suddenly or in a bad way" Norman explained.

"That's what my sister told me as well" I said with a smile. My sister ruffled my hair causing me to huff. Norman laughed to which I sent him a playful glare. Norman and I heard barking, we looked up and saw a ghost dog.

"Bub?" I said. The dog ran around in circles. Norman chuckled, finding the dog to be cute. Neil gasped and ran up to us.

"Is he there? How does he Iook?" Neil asked eagerly.

"Uh, good. He's happy to see you" Norman answered.

"Who's a good boy, huh? Good boy!" Neil turned around and said to Bub. "Can he feel if I pet him?"

"Yeah, I guess" I answered.

"Bubby-wubby-boo" Neil said as he made kissy noises. Although it was the wrong place...

"Uh, that's not his chin" Norman stated awkwardly. I stifled a laugh. Neil laughed sheepishly, but quickly recovered from the embarrassing moment. He picked up a stick and whistled at Bub.

"Go get it!" Neil said as he threw the stick.

"He can't fetch it, you know" Norman informed.

"It would just go right through him" I chimed in.

"Yeah. Well, it's still fun. Good boy! Bring it back! Go get it, Bub" Neil picked up the stick himself and kissed Bub. "Good boy!" I giggled at how happy Neil was.

"Why don't you try?" Neil asked Norman.

"Because I don't really... You can go" Norman said awkwardly.

"No. No. It's fun, try it" Neil said as he pushed the stick into Normans hands.

"No, I don't want to" Norman stated.

"You throw it. It's really easy. No, it's okay" Neil encouraged. "You can throw it. I don't mind.
No. Come on. It's really fun"

"Here, you go first" Norman said as he tried to give the stick back.

"No, you try it. I already went, Iike, 50 times" Neil exaggerated.

"Okay, what do I do?" Norman asked.

"You get the stick, you pull
back and you throw it, it's simple" I explained. He threw it and it hit Neil in the face. Norman gasped.

"Neil? Sorry!" Norman exclaimed. Neil picked up the stick in his mouth.

"I fetched it" Neil said. It was very muffled, but you could tell what he was saying. We all laughed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Never been better!" Neil answered.

(Okay, kind of a short chapter. But I wanted this chapter to be just about Y/N, Neil, and Norman hanging out. Just to like have a sweet nice chapter before all the chaos. So I hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Ghostie~ (Norman Babcock x reader: Paranorman Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now