8. The End

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"Hey...the book" Norman piped up. I turned to see Norman's backpack on the floor, the fairytale book poking out. We walked towards it and Norman picked it up, his hand absently ran over the leather cover. I jumped when I heard something clatter behind us and someone walking towards us. I perked up, thinking our friends might have come back. 

"Hello?" I asked as Norman and I turned around. We found ourselves staring up at a zombie, moving towards us along a dark aisle. I gasped and grabbed Norman's hand, trying to run in the other direction, only to discover that zombies were closing in on us in all directions. 

The dead judge groaned as he approached. Norman and I backed away, while Norman kept a tight grip on the book. Out of the corner of my eyes, I spotted another doorway and pulled Norman towards it, calling out for help.

"Help! Somebody help us!" Norman cried. We ran up a tight stairwell leading to the roof of the building, the zombies just a few feet behind us. 

Norman and I heaved ourselves through a tiny hatchway that lead us onto the flat roof, on the highest point of the building. I shut the hatch and backed away as the zombies beat on it. We were back up against a wooden rail that creaked, almost like a warning. Norman and I leaned over and saw the town filled with angry people. We had nowhere to turn to...

Above us, the sky rumbled and was no longer its usual blue, but now red. The clouds churned to form a grinning mouth. I noticed Norman's parents in the crowd, along with mine. Oh shit, I am so screwed. 

"Norman! Get down from there this instant! You're supposed to be grounded!" Norman's Dad shouted. Please don't see me, please don't see me.

 "Y/N L/N! You are in so much trouble" I heard my Dad shout. Norman bellowed to the sky in distress, waving the book above his head.

"You horrible old witch! Is this what you want?" Norman asked. The face seemed to cackle. Norman continued yelling at the sky, waving the book. He flicked through the pages, attempting to read aloud over the wind. "Once upon a time in a far-off land there lived a king and queen... in a magnificent castle..." The face above him cackled once again, drowning out the story. 

"Why won't you listen to us? Why are you doing this?!" I asked desperately. The face in the clouds turned inside out as a tongue of lightning was spat out. It smacked into the book held in front of Norman's chest, lifts him off his feet, and threw him back onto the old timbers of the roof. He smashed through the wood into the chasm of the building beneath. "NORMAN!" I cried in worry. I turned to the face in the sky. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I felt my eyes go watery and tried to dodge the flash of lightning that was coming towards me. My tears made my vision go blurry and I found myself being lifted and slammed down.


My body ached and it hurt to move. I sat up, groaning and rubbing my head. The first thing I saw was Norman and he seemed to see me as well. I looked around and realized I wasn't inside the building anymore. I was in, what looked to be, a courthouse. People were looking at us, judgment lacing their features. They wore clothes that looked outdated. The judge looked like the zombie we had been seeing, but...human.

"...on this day you have been arraigned for the horrible crime of witchcraft..." The judge said. I stood up and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. A woman stood in the witness booth, fiddling with her bonnet while being questioned. "...witnessed by those whose testimonies have been heard" 

I looked at Norman, searching for some sort of answer because most of the time he seemed to know. But, he was just as lost as I was. He gulped and sent me a glance full of worry. A woman gestured fearfully with her arms as she recounted evidence. 

Ghostie~ (Norman Babcock x reader: Paranorman Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now