7. Town Hall

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Mitch started the engine with a yell, just as the nearest zombie leered in through the window. Spinning and squealing. The van let out a puff of smoke as it drove away. Mitch's van shoots past at high speed in a cloud of dust. I noticed a cop looking startled at how fast we were driving, I would've been worried, but a cop was the least of our problems at the moment. Courtney let out an infuriated growl.

"I just knew something like this was going to happen tonight!"

"You did? Wow, cause that zombie bit really threw me" Mitch said in bewilderment. I rolled my eyes. Courtney turned in her seat and glared at Norman and me.

"Why do you have to go and get everyone involved in all your weird stuff?!" Courtney angrily asked.

"Well, you weren't supposed to follow us, were you?" Norman retorted as he looked over at Neil.

"Sorry. My fault. When I'm nervous I get mouth diarrhea" Neil apologized.

"Haha! Diarrhea!" Alvin cackled immaturely.

"Oh my gosh, I think I'm having aneurism! This is so typical of you!" Courtney snapped.

"You don't understand! we're the only ones who can stop this, Courtney!" Norman insisted.

"Oh, I understand! I understand that this is all getting completely out of-" The van's sunroof was suddenly ripped open, and a zombie's arm reached down into the vehicle, clawing inches above Courtney's head. "HAND!" 

The zombie leans further into the van, moaning. He seemed to have his sights set on Norman and me and reached one arm down toward Norman and the book peeking out of his bag. Norman grabbed my shoulders and pulled as back into the seat, away from the zombie judge. Alvin dove behind the back seat with a whimper, but Neil leaped in front of Norman and me, wrestling the clawing fingers away from us, or at least trying.

"Whaddawedo? Whaddawedo? Mitch?!" Neil asked in a panic. (what do we do? what do we do?)

"I don't know! I don't know!" Mitch urged.

"You're the oldest!" I said, 

"Not mentally!" We heard a siren wail out behind us, and Mitch looked in his mirror to see the flashing light of a bike. 

"Oh great. The cops"

"Pull over the vehicle!" The cop shouted. The Dead Judge leaned further into the van, Neil hanging off him.

"Norman! Y/N! How do we stop them?!" Courtney asked. We looked again at the book in Norman's hands.

"We're supposed to read from the book at the witch's grave!" Norman informed.

"We've got to go back to the graveyard?" Neil asked.

"She wasn't buried with the others!" I recalled. "We don't know where else to look..."

"Well, you better think of something quick!" Courtney demanded. Norman and I tried desperately to think of something.

"I have an idea!" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Salma" He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed her number.

"Put her on speaker" I suggested. He did as I said, right as Salma picked up.

"So Norman, let me get this straight; you guys all go on this big supernatural adventure and you're calling me in the middle of the night because you need someone to help you do your homework?" Salma asked. Norman talked into the cell phone, occasionally ducking as Neil's flailing limbs are shaken from side to side by the upside-down zombie hanging above our heads.

"Uh... yeah" Neil dropped back down onto his seat. The Dead Judge's arm, torn off at the shoulder, was still clutched in his hands. He gazed down at it, wide-eyed, as it wriggled like an animal in his grasp. The Dead Judge slid slowly down the windscreen of the van.

Ghostie~ (Norman Babcock x reader: Paranorman Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now