6. The zombies and the van

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(Hey, guys. Sorry for the long wait. Things have been crazy recently with school, but I'm starting to be more motivated and have time to update! So, I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

*Y/N's pov*

Survival instincts finally kicked in and Alvin made a run for it, scrambling through the graves toward the gate. 

"Wait!" Norman shouted as he grabbed my hand and pulled us after Alvin. I heard the zombies groaning and calling for us to stop, but I didn't dare to.  

*Neil's pov*

I sat on the floor in the kitchen watching TV, when I heard the doorbell ring. 

"Neil! Will you get the door?" Mitch called from the other room.

"I'm busy!" I yelled back.

"Are you freeze-framing Mom's aerobics DVD again?" Mitch asked. I quickly turned the TV off.

"No!" The doorbell rung again.

"Neil! Would it kill you to get off your butt and answer the door?" Mitch asked in annoyance.

"I know you're in there! Slumber party's over, dorks!" I heard a girl call from outside the door. I saw Mitch walk in with a towel around his waist and answer the door.

"Hey, Neil! You come here a minute?" Mitch asked. I groaned, but got up and went to the door. "A girl is asking for you" The girl flashed her widest fake grin and put on a high-pitched sing-song voice.

"Hey there! How ya doin'... little guy..." She said, clearly not remembering my name.

"Neil?" I said.

"Yeah, Neil. Do you know where Norman & Y/N are? They kinda disappeared" She said. My eyes widened.

"Oh no..." I began before I caught myself. "...idea! I have no idea where they are. Sorry. Bye!" I went to turn around, but Mitch stopped me before I could.

"Whoa, Neil! Better start talking, buddy" Mitch said sternly.

"I didn't really think they were serious about going up to the old graveyard on their own!" I finally caved and admitted to the whole situation. Courtney scoffed and crossed her arms in irritation.

"So Norman!" She muttered to herself.

"Oh, man. That place is bad news! Total slasher movie vibe! Why'd they go up there?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we should go look for them" I proposed in worry.

"I told you they were trouble" Mitch informed. Then turned to Courtney. "Sorry. But I did" 

"No, it's fine. He sucks. And the girl isn't my sister, just Norman's freaky girlfriend. But I really gotta make sure they don't die or anything tonight" She said. Then, put on a 'helpless' look. "Will you help me? Please?" Ugh, gross. Doesn't she know he's not interested in girls? 

"Okay... I guess I should go get some clothes on" Mitch said with a sigh. Courtney whined in disappointment. Mitch shoved my head as he walked past me. 

"Uh, are Norman and Y/N in trouble?" I asked in concern.

*Y/N's pov* 

I kicked the front door open with Norman behind me. Alvin, who was near hysterical, rushed inside. Norman and I followed, much more civilized, but still anxious. Norman slammed the door shut and locked it. I let out a sigh, thankful that this would hold off the zombies for at least a little bit. 

"Are they gonna try to eat our brains?!" Alvin asked in fear.

"I think you'll be safe" Norman, sneakily insulted. I giggled at the comment.

Ghostie~ (Norman Babcock x reader: Paranorman Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now