4. Mr. Prenderghast

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(Hey guys! Sorry, for the long wait! I have no excuse lol. I just keep putting it off, telling myself that I'll do it later. Which I know isn't a good habit. But here's an update now! I hope you enjoy!)

"Thank you for letting me come to the play, I really appreciate it!" I said as we pulled up to the school.

"Yeah, well no funny business or we will not be trusting something like this ever again" Dad said sternly.

"Funny business?" I questioned.

"That "talking to ghost" stuff you're always doing" Dad said. I sighed. Why couldn't he believe me?

"Y'know...Penny thinks you're being a complete party pooper right now" I informed, to which Penelope nodded.

"Stop that. I can take you home right now" Dad threatened. I looked over to Mom. She shook her head and told me not to pay attention to it.

I sighed and then got out of the car. We all walked into the school, into the auditorium, and for seats in the front row.


The play had been going on now for about an hour. The only reason I really wanted to come was because I knew Norman was here. I have to be honest over these first few days of being here, I may have developed a small crush on Norman.

"I curse you accusers to die
a horrible and gruesome death,
and rise from your graves as the Iiving dead!" Salma said, not before sighing to prove she didn't wanna be here. "Your souls doomed to an eternity of damnation"

Alvin screamed as part of his roll and the audience applauded.

Kill the witch! Kill the witch! Kill the witch!" Everyone on stage began to chant.

"Gosh, aren't they adorable?" I turned and saw a man a women behind us. Probably parents of one of the children.

The chanting began to sound more real as it continued on. It made me feel uneasy. Suddenly, the sound of an owl hooting was heard.

I looked around, there was no owl. Slowly, the auditorium began to disappear. It started to look like...the woods.

"What?" I whispered to myself in confusion. Just before the auditorium was fully gone Norman and I locked eyes. Then he was gone. "Oh, no. Not again" I said as I realized what was happening.

I was now in the woods, surrounded by tall trees and wildlife. I was knelt on the ground and I could hear voices that sounded close.

"This way. Over here" Someone said.

Witch! We know you're out there!" Another person called. Are they talking about me? They can't be...I'm not a witch.... I don't like this...I don't like this one bit.

I stood up as quietly as possible and began to try and walk away. I stepped on a twig and it snapped. Darnit. I gasped when I heard them speak again.

"There!" Someone said as they pointed to me.

"No!" I cried.

"Witch" They stated. I began to pant heavily and screamed as they drew closer.

I ran as fast as I could, trying my best to get away. Something tripped me and I fell in front of a tree.

I looked up and my eyes widened in horror when I saw the tree had a face.

"The dead are coming" It said with a devious laugh.

"NO!" I screamed. I was back in the auditorium and no longer in the woods.

Ghostie~ (Norman Babcock x reader: Paranorman Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now