Fuck Boy.

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It's quiet, too quiet. I slowly open my eyes and the light coming in through the window makes my head buzz even more. I look around me and it seems I'm alone. Shirtless? In a bed that doesn't even belong to me. A door, that I assume to be the bathroom door, opens and someone walks out. Xander. Shirtless. I look down at myself again and let out a small scream. I bring the thin cover over my body and look at Xander, he's trying to hold in his laughter.

"What happened last night?"

"You don't remember?"

"If I remembered then why would I ask."

He looks at me for a moment before he replies.

"We had sex."

I feel my mouth drop and my hands go numb. I'm shocked. But not for long's as the shock turns into anger. Sex?

"We what?!"

"We had sex."

Now I'm even more angry. I get up grab my shirt and jacket and walk up to him.

"How dare you? How dare you fucking sleep with me when you knew I was drunk! You used me, you little bastard! You fucking used me! You asshole!"

He looks at me and I see a tinge of hurt but it's quickly replaced by anger.

"You're the one that was rubbing yourself all over me when we were dancing! You're the one that got close!"

" I was drunk! Don't you get it! I didn't know what I was doing! " I shove him and try to punch his chest a couple times. He doesn't stop me so I know it's not hurting him, it's actually hurting my knuckles.

"Are you sure about that? "

We both stop yelling and I start to pull on my shirt. I turn around and start to make my way out of the room.

"April, wait. "

I run down the stairs and out of the house. I start walking down the drive way when he catches up to me.

"April! Wait!"

I turn around and Xander bumps into me. He grabs my shoulders and stops me from falling over. I shake him off.

"Don't touch me. "


"Don't you fucking touch me!"

He takes a step back. I turn around and start to walk away but I feel a hand on my shoulder and it spins me around. It's him again. I raise my hand and slap him as hard as I can. My hand falls to my side and it stings. His face stays in the direction of the slap until he looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I look him straight in the eye and I make sure to show no emotion.

"Don't you dare touch me ever again."


It's been 2 weeks since the party and I have only seen Xander once. I kept my distance and tried my hardest to consume my anger and I did. He hasn't been at school for 2 weeks. I don't why but I miss him and I know I shouldn't. I should be angry but I'm not. I like him but I don't. He has something about him that I like yet hate at the same time. I shake those thoughts out of my head. I barely know him, I should have no feelings for him. He used me.

I've been sitting with Asher and Yasmine for the past 2 weeks and they are the cutest thing. It was Yasmine's birthday yesturday and he got her a bracelet. Simple, but I know it runs deeper than that.

I have learned a lot about them. How they have matching tattoos of each other's names, and how Asher has a tattoo of things they have done together. How he likes to kiss her under her ear instead of her forehead, but not because it's more sexual. Just because she has the date they got together tattooed and he kisses it as if he is saying thank you. They have been together for 3 years, and he kisses it at least once everyday.

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