Chapter 6: The Jealousy

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"Love is like war, easy to begin but very hard to stop." - H. L. Mencken


Alessandra's POV

We were both standing in front of my door as I fished out the key from my purse. Stavros waited patiently behind me. I got even more conscious because I could feel his eyes boring into my back.

Obviously, he invited himself again, not giving me a choice. After like a decade, I unlocked the door.

I heard Lucy's laugh, sounds like she's not alone.

"Hey, Ali." She got up from the couch when she saw us, and I noticed the guy beside her. He's strikingly handsome in his own way. He even had an ocean blue eyes.

What's with all these handsome guys here in New York?

"Hi," I said, sheepishly looking at the guy.

Who is he?

I heard him acknowledge Stavros while I gave Lucy a hug.

"Ali, I want you to meet Mr. Alexander Russo." Lucy looked at Alexander. "Alex, this is my friend, Alessandra De La Vega. And Mr. Stavros Demakis, which obviously you already knew." She continued, smiling.

"Yes, Stavros is actually my friend," Alex replied as he looked at me, then he extended his hand and I took it. He seems nice and way warmer than Stavros. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alessandra," Alex smiled from ear to ear and glanced at Stavros suspiciously.

"The pleasure is all mine," I replied shyly. "Please sit. Would you like anything to drink, Stav?" I asked as the two continued their interrupted conversation.

"Sure." He smiled.

"White or red?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"White, please." He winked casually.

What was that for? At least he knew how to say please.

I glanced at Lucy and Alexander. "Would you like me to get you another glass of wine, guys?"

"No, I'm fine." They said in unison. The two seem to get along well, and has a lot in common, even their responses were alike.

I made my way to the kitchen, opened the cupboard, took two glasses, and poured some wine for us.

I walked back to the living room and handed the wine to Stavros as I took the only spot beside him. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but I had no other choice.

Not long, everyone was having a good talk and we laughed at every joke.

Lucy looked so happy and I can see that she's bewitched with Alex's charm.

I can't blame her though.

If ever, I'm happy for her.

I looked at Stav and I caught him staring at me.

"Don't they look perfect together?" He whispered, and our close proximity started to unsettle me, disbalancing my just found momentum.

I felt one of his hands snake around my waist possessively. I looked at him, furrowing my brows, but he just smiled. I'm so confused with how he's acting. People say he's cold and austere, but he's acting oppositely. "Yes." I agreed and smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes, then I looked away as I tentatively sipped my wine.

The two guys are gone and now it's only me and Lucy, sitting on the couch watching some shows, but none of us is paying attention to it.

"So how's your date?" I turned my gaze to her. She looked at me and her eyes were glowing.

Possessive At First Sight EBS 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now