Chapter 19: The Talk

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"To lose someone you love is to alter your life forever..

The pain stops, there are new people, but the gap never closes..

This hole in your heart is the shape of someone you lost - No one else can fit it."

- Unknown.


Alessandra POV

Afer the last shoot for the catalog for swimwear, where I wore a strapless floral bikini and toting a pink and holding a white striped surfboard with a Victoria secret word in it, I made several pose , which is flirting with the camera, as the photographer clicks the camera nonstop.

"We're good," Anthony, the photographer announced after a countless flashes of the camera, and he was smiling looking relaxed.

And everyone started packing up, while my other co-models runs into the water and swim. Some of them splashing water at each other while I walked to one of the colored beach chairs, pulling my towels that was slung on my shoulder. I lay it on the beach chair and I sat on the chair as I flipped my hair into a quick ponytail and put the sun tan lotion on my body. I laid flat on my back to soak in under the sun. My hands resting by my side, looking through my sunglasses that fit my face perfectly. I closed my eyes to just enjoy the serene feeling as being away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

I don't know yet what will I tell to Stavros when I get back tomorrow. It's been almost 5 months since he started courting me. My place is filled with flowers. He called me every time he gets a chance. He took me out for dinner, he cooked for me. Oh he looks so cute with those apron.

I smiled as a picture of him with the apron flashed through my mind. But it seemed half of my heart can't give another chance he's seeking. I have forgiven him but fear and insecurities still lurked beneath my heart.

I was so happy I had to do the shooting here in Hawaii, where I wasn't followed by his minions. I also told him specifically not to text or call me. I need some time to think over about this whole situation.

Three months and I still have no answer. My heart still loves him deeply but the trust wasn't there. I need more time. Maybe I need to explore, date another guy and see if this is love I felt for him was real. I always believe in a relationship founded with love and trust.

"Hey," I heard someone snapped, waking me up from my trance. I opened my eyes, it's Anthony looking hot in his blue-gray swimming trunks showing his muscled chest, hovering over me.

I sit upright.., and he took the beach chair next to mine. "Why are you not joining the other girls?" he asked eyeing me intently.

"I don't feel like swimming," I shrug my shoulders.

"You seemed pretty quiet this past few days. Did you left someone special?" he chuckled as he looked away, watching the girls splashing and giggling.

He is special to me, but I don't know if it worth to start again, my subsconscious said but never spilled out. "Yes and no," I replied doubtly as I watched the girls too, now laying on their back on the sand.

"Yes?" he said in a tone of encouraging me to tell why, as he turned his gaze to me.

"Yes, because I used to.... " and I paused for a moment.., "No because we are not anymore." I said bitterly.

That day Krystina appeared in our door claiming she's pregnant cut a very deep wounds in my heart and left a big scars.

"I'm sorry," I heard him said as he gave me a heart melting smile. I smiled back. He leaned his back on the chair and his head resting on his palm.

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