Chapter 18: The Courting

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"If I could do it all over again.. I would know what it felt like to lose you, and if you give me one more chance, I promise, I would do everything in my power to keep you." - Rashida Rowe


Alessandra POV

After the party, Stavros drove me home. I was so exhausted and my sole is killing me. He was so disappointed because he wanted to stay but I insisted not. I had to think this over and over because I don't wanna get hurt again. If he stayed last night, probably I will be waking up with him in my side. I can't trust my traitorous body. I had to put out some distance. He needs to gain my trust again. I wanted to be courted by him.

Today I just signed a contract with Victoria Secret. After that successful veet ads., I was contacted by the Victoria Secret CEO herself offering me a half year of contract, which I agreed and thingking this will be my last project. After this contract I will start working in our family's business.

For almost a year. I did not rest and stopped working. After that news about Stavros wedding, I worked like crazy. I engaged myself deeply in the modeling world and I wasn't disappointed. My Mom was so proud of me.

My sole feels better. I wore flat shoes today because I don't wanna aggravate it.

After that meeting with the CEO, which she's surprisingly pleasantly nice, knowing about the rumors of her rude attitude towards her models. I decided to stop by at a cafe.

I walk in, and the door-chime ringed giving the staff a warning that someone's just walked in the door. I walked to the counter and ordered my favorite Espresso Latte with blueberry muffin.

"That's $5.25 in all Ma'am," the girl behind the cashier smiled. I paid it with my card and waited for my order. In few minutes, I was walking with my latte and muffin to find a seat at the corner, and saw a spot on the west end of the cafe, facing the busy road.

"Perfect!" I muttered to myself. I place my purse on the other seat and settled myself on the next seat. I made a sip on my latte. Hmmm.. Tastes milky with a hint of coffee for a beautiful morning. "I wish I was sitting with him like nothing happened," I thought. I shake it off trying to forget about him even just for today.

I broke a little piece of my muffin and pop it in my mouth in unlady like manner and savoured it. Tastes heaven. I was about to break another piece when my phone rang. I quickly fish my phone out of my purse and accept the call without bothering to check. It could be Lucy.

"Hello," I began as soon as it connected.

A man's with deep rich voice, and I know who has that kind of voice, Stavros.

"Alessandra." He said.

"Yes?" I replied lazily and made another sip of my latte.

"Where are you?"

"In a cafe somewhere at 3rd Avenue," I replied unconsciously.

I didn't check the name of the cafe, so I don't have any idea what's the place called.

"Oh the, Hard rock," I blurted out unconsciously as my eyes locked on the words written in my cup. As if it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

"Why are you at the cafe?" There's the Stavros I know, bossy and overprotective. "Is your sole better now?" He sounds worried as he kept ranting ceremoniously.

"Yeah. I had a meeting with Victoria Secret's CEO herself," I answered nonchalantly.

"So you signed another contract," he uttered in displeased.

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