Chapter 27: The Nuptial Preparation

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measure"Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity." — Kahlil Gibran

( Partially Edited )


Alessandra POV

The following week, Stavros' grandparents arrived, and we all stayed in my grandparent's mansion in the middle of a 5 ranch.

Stavros' friends with Georgia followed two days after his grandparent's arrival.

My grandparents were ecstatic to meet Stavros' grandparents.

They seemed to know each other already. They definitely enjoyed each other's company.

Before I had my shower, the men had gone out for their suit measurement for the wedding.

Our week has been planned out.

Today, the girls and I will go check on the flowers. Then the next day, we will do the food tasting, from appetizers down to desserts.

While the grandparents decided to do the wine tasting together with Stavros' grandparents. My grandfather knows one of the famous vintners here in all of Spain and the vineyard owner.

The wedding cake had been picked and would be ready on my wedding day in two weeks.

My dress will arrive tomorrow. The bridesmaids already pick their dresses which are already made. I'm glad no one was too picky and was happy with whatever was ready. Just a few alterations.

Lucy will be my maid of honor.

Karen, Joyce, and Frenalyn, my distant cousins, together with Georgia, are my bridesmaids.

Joyce and Frenalyn are of the same age, twenty-one, while Karen just turned nineteen.

Stavros' childhood friend, Georgia, was surprisingly friendly and sweet. Lucy and Georgie instantly became friends.

I'm not surprised. Lucy seemed to always drop me whenever she met someone new.

No hard feelings, though. I know she cared a lot about me.

I can't blame Lucy for Georgie being very likable.

I also adore her company.

My eyes darted to the clock as I took a hairbrush and ran it on my frizzly hair, trying to smoothen it, but it was pointless. The stubborn hair goes back to its favorite position, frizzled.

I sighed frustratedly as I put the brush down on top of the vanity, decided to pull all the hair up, and tied it in a bun.

As soon as I was done, I heard the opening, revealing Lucy and Georgia giggling as they walked in.

Carlos protested when Lucy suggested she would sleep with me in one room, but she reasoned out we would never get the chance to sleep together once I was married.

So Carlos reluctantly agreed to tell her not to forget her 'responsibilities as a wife' which Lucy delightedly agreed and giggled like a schoolgirl.

They are still in their pajamas.

We offered our room to Georgia. Since we like her and enjoy her company.

So the three of us shared my room. My bed is huge and can accommodate five people.

"You're ready," Georgia noticed, grinning cheekily.

"I know, there's three of us using the washroom, so I thought I'll use it while you both had your breakfast," I explained, smiling.

Possessive At First Sight EBS 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now