Chapter 8: The Friends

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"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."- Walter Winchell


Athens, Greece

Stavros' POV

As soon as we landed, I fish out my phone from my pocket and dialed Ali's number as I disembarked from the plane. I just nod my head when Jude and the rest of the attendant said their goodbyes.

"Alessandra's Speaking." I heard her voice from the other line.

"Hey, baby, it's me!" I exclaimed excitedly. I terribly missed her. I was walking to the car. Taylor was waiting for me.

"Ohh hi, Stav! Did you just land?" She asked in her happy tone.

"Yes, As of a matter of fact I'm about to get in the car. Taylor my driver here in Greece picked me up. He's driving me home now," I smiled.

Listening to her voice makes me happy and all that exhausting feelings evaporates into the air.

"I'm glad you arrived safely., then she paused. "I already miss you," she breathed, then she sighed.

"I miss you, too, baby! So did you change your mind?" I asked hopefully.

"No, no," she objected too quickly. "I can't," in her reluctant voice.

"I understand," I said as I looked out the window. The leaves of the trees are turning into fall colors. I changed the topic.

"What are you doing right now?" I inquired as I leaned on my seat.

"Still in bed," she replied lazily.

Three words, but it gave me a lot of meanings. My thoughts went haywire. I don't even know if she knows what those words had done in my already sleeping system. I wish I was there, lying beside her. Her soft body pressed against mine. I felt a stir down my pants. I shake off the thoughts. I'm going to need a cold shower in no time.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

"I don't know what would Lucy want to do today. It's Saturday. I was thinking I'll bring her at that Spanish Restaurant you brought me last time. For sure she misses our food," she said excitedly.

"Let me know if you are going or not."

"Yes, I will," she replied. "Are you home?" she asked.

"Almost," I replied. "I will let you go then, baby, so you can sleep more. I'll call you later. Bye for now. Miss you!" I reluctantly said with a heavy hurt. Then, I waited for her, to end the line.

"Bye. Miss you too!" she replied almost a whisper to my ears. I waited until she hangs up, but she was waiting for me, too. I could still hear her breathing through the speaker.

"Hang up the phone, babe," I murmured not knowing my voice came out husky.

"No. You do!" she replied in her low voice. I felt that strong feelings enveloping me as I was hearing her harsh breathings. I was so happy that she misses me as much as I do.

"Hang up, babe, or we will be on the phone for the whole day," I said in my most sensual tone.

"Fine. Bye, Stav, Please come back soon!" she murmured softly. And finally, she hangs up.

"I will, baby!" I uttered into the air.

I was smiling like crazy and I saw Taylor's eyes in the rear mirror, who's looking at me with surprised. I just ignored him. I browse my contact list and dialed Nicolas. Taylor pulled the car in the driveway and I jumped out of the car before he reached the rear door.

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