Chapter 29: The Honeymoon

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This chapter contains sexual content. Please be advised.


"Love me without fear. Trust me without questioning. Need me without demanding. Want me without restrictions. Accept me without change. Desire me without inhibitions." — Dick Sutphen

(Partially Edited)

Alessandra POV

As soon as the plane landed, Stavros blindfolded me and patiently guided me out of the plane. As soon as my feet were on the ground, I felt my body being lifted into the air.

Startled, I let out a loud squeal, "Amft!" and I landed on his shoulder gently, slinging me like a potato sack, not too gracefully.

"I don't believe man-handling is on my honeymoon bucket lists," I muttered, pouting.

I relished the smell of his natural scent mixed with his expensive cologne, sandalwood, and his fresh soap that smelled like mint mixed with his natural male scent. Rich and potent, filling my poor nose and teasing my whole resolve.

Stavros just chuckled at that remarks. "Put me down, Stavros," forcing out a stern voice to mask my embarrassment.

His arms around my thighs so close to my buttocks were too much for my sanity.

To think I'm beginning to get aroused?

"Sorry, babe, I can't wait to show you the place," he excitedly explained and chuckled heartily.

Then, he stopped on his track.

I heard the sound of a car door opening. "Watch your head," he warned, setting me down on the car seat, my head bent low. I felt the leather underneath me.

"You can lift your head now," he whispered against my cheeks, his minty breath so close to the corner of my lips.

I felt his warmth hovering about me, his tempting scent teasing me.

I felt the strap of the seatbelt wrapped around my body and then the sound of a hard click. Then, the door shut followed, and I groaned, missing his warmth already. And then, the car door opening, with my sense of feeling and sound, I could visualize him sitting next to me, then buckled up.

Soon the conveyance slightly jolted and in motion.

It felt like centuries sitting in the car as the car moved non-stop, hitting bumps now and then.

I was itching to take the blindfold off, so I watched the environment while we drove off.

The anticipation to get there was growing, and at the same time frustrating, I couldn't see anything on the way to wherever destination Stavros had planned for us. The feeling of that bump wasn't an exciting experience.

"Are we here?" I asked when the car finally stopped.

"Almost," he whispered. "You'll gonna love the place Mrs. Demakis." he confidently murmured.

I smiled.

"As long as you're with me, I care less where are we," I said thoughtfully. Then, I felt his lips on mine instantly and gone as instant as it touches.

I groaned loudly in displeasure.

A loud amused chuckle was his response.

"You're insatiable Mrs. Demakis!" he teased, his finger lightly touching my bottom lip.

"Only for you, Mr. Demakis!" I grinned.

"We're here," he suddenly announced, and I sat upright.

I didn't feel the car stop?

Possessive At First Sight EBS 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now