Unblocked and Cock Blocked

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[Millie's POV]

      To tell you that I was shocked by her response was one thing, I thought she had hated me for the way we ended things. To make matters worse, when I was checking her Instagram for professional business reasons, which are totally not the same as stalking someone, I came upon the fact that she did indeed have a girlfriend. So all that time ago she must have just hated me. I'm not sure if I can go through with this now. I replied to her out of the ordinary comment with "Can I see your prices?" 

In which she replied.

So I guess you're not going to say hi... 

                                                                     Just answer the question, Miss Sink.

Oh, so now I'm Miss Sink?

                                            Have you always been this damn foolish, Sadie?

... Okay let's get together to discuss the details.

                                                   That sounds great, where should I meet you?

Unblock me and I'll send you my location :)


      So I unblocked her and she sent me the address, it looked like a restaurant that would sell crystal meth under the table, literally. I spotted the familiar ginger and my lips couldn't help but betray me and form a smile. She waved me over and I couldn't help but feel like we were back to the good days where we would hang out and I would wish it was a date.. Wait what am I saying? I'm engaged and she has a girlfriend! "Hello, Sadie, it's been a while." She nods, she looks uncomfortable, which sounds impossible based off of her usual persona. "Hello, Miss Brown." She holds out her hand as if to offer a handshake. I, instead, bring her into a small, professional hug, a very professional hug. It seemed like I had knocked the wind out of her. "Oh, sorry, are you okay, Sadie?" She looked at me weirdly, like she was scared or something. "Yes, I'm fine." 
The waitress came up and asked what we wanted to eat and the ginger smiled at her, "Can I have a veggie burger on organic whole grain bread?" I rolled my eyes "Still eating chemicals?"
She nodded, smiling slightly "Still not willing to try them?" I sigh "Might as well." I look to the waitress "I'll have what she's having." The young looking blonde walks off rather awestruck, "So how have you been Mills?" I halfway choke on my water just hearing the somewhat familiar nickname escape her lips "Oh, I've been good, as you know, I'm getting married.. so." Sadie looks at me "When is the big day?" My eyes widen as I realize I can't tell her the date without having to explain something that I don't want to. "It's uh.. April 16th." I brush it off and take another swig of my water. "Actually, WAITRESS, can you get me some kind of alcohol?" I looked down at the floor. Sadie seemed to have realized what I said because after her suggestively rude comment of "Hey, Mills it's twelve in the afternoon, don't tell me you've turned to day drinking." she paused for a second "Wait.. you planned your wedding on my birthday? Why?" She looked at me rather sincerely.  I ignored the question by replacing it with my own "So what do the chemicals taste like?" She shook her head in disbelief. "Millie are you doing drugs?" She seemed very concerned. "What? No, no, I'm just a little overwhelmed with the wedding is all." I waved her off, the waitress returning with a huge glass full of, well I have no idea what. "Are you going to answer my question?" She pressed. "Hm? Oh right, I just didn't really want any chance of running into you at the wedding, but uh, Finn agreed it would be best for us to invite you.. well the whole cast, I mean." I began to chug the big flask full of whatever alcoholic beverage it was full of. "Wait, you tried to book it on my birthday so I wouldn't come to your wedding? I wasn't planning on coming anyways.. I thought you hated me for the uhm, the goodbye party." I sighed once more "I don't hate you, like I said.. I'm straight." She looked me in the eyes. I quickly looked away, pulling down on the hem of my shirt. "But apparently you're not." I murmured under my breath, taking another sip. Sadie didn't seem to hear that part, but she suddenly smiled "Oh, you'll never guess what I have!" I looked at her. Wanna bet? I thought to myself. The freckled girl quickly dove under the table, rummaging through her bag, she slowly sat back up. "Close your eyes." I closed my eyes "Miss Sink, I swear if you pull out a bag of white powder my business with you will be finished." "Okay, now open them!" I opened my eyes and saw the girl I messed things up with, holding a belated birthday present. "Oh my god, Sadie you had it all this time?" She nodded "I drove by your apartment the day that I left for college, I was gonna give it to you then, but I couldn't bring myself to go inside." The waitress brought us our food, and I another drink.
We started eating, me subconsciously staring at Sadie, her not noticing. 

[Time Skip]

[Sadie's POV]

      So Millie got really tipsy and I wasn't about to let her drive or walk home on her own, so I decided to walk with her. It was a great idea until it started raining. Millie tried to pretend she wasn't drunk out of her mind, especially in stilettos. She managed to walk completely fine until we came across a pothole in the concrete. She tripped, nearly falling, of course I had the decency to catch her. In supposed gratitude, she propelled herself towards me, I fell against an unsuspecting store's window. The tall brunette put her hands on either side of me, she was a giggling mess, it was adorable. She looked me in the eyes, "Sadie.." was what she barely managed to get out. "Yes?" I muttered, blushing like crazy. "Why did you tell me.. that you didn't like girls?" My eyes widened "I-uhm, I don't.." She narrowed her big doe eyes at me, blinking a few times as she attempted to stand up straight, ultimately falling back down onto me. "Don't lie to me,, 'Friends don't lie.' You have a girlfriend, Bailey.. Bailey Albanese?" She said, confused on how to pronounce the last name. "Oh, uh.. yeah I didn't think it mattered because you're straight." She leaned in a bit, our faces getting closer. I could feel her hot breath and the smell of alcohol on her mouth. I gulped, wishing for this not to happen but a part of me had hoped it would ever since we were young teenagers acting on a screen. "It really hurt my feelings..." the brunette drunkenly admitted, oh I do hope she would sober up before saying something she really couldn't take back. "Mills, I know that you don't mean that." She looked at me, her eyebrows arching upward, she was upset. Millie leaned in a little closer, barely grazing her lips against mine. I was about to close my eyes and turn away when her phone rang. The twenty-something sighed, "Cockblock." She frowned, picking up the phone "Hey baby, yeah I'm kinda drunk.. mind picking me up?" After hanging up, she looked at me one more time. "See you soon Sads. Love you." With that, the brunette walked off to the side of the road, opening a car door and giving Finn, her fiance, a kiss on the cheek. I just don't know if I can accept her business proposal without my feelings for her getting in the way, I'm going to have to talk to Bailey about this.

N/A- 1312 words.. 

Idk I feel like I'll update at random.. maybe every Saturday night, but also whenever I feel like it

What do ya'll think so far?

Also this story is going by the seat of my pants, I sit down and start writing and publish right afterwards, so it might not be the best.

For the convenience of the story, I changed the date of the wedding in the first chapter from November 2nd to Sadie's irl birthday, felt I would get backlash if I didn't.. anyways let me know what you think, don't hesitate to comment, even if it is criticism.. honestly I just want to know if people are reading or not. 

-Roza(apologies I thought I had published this) 

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