Bakers' and Albaneses'

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[Millie's POV]

     So, after Sadie took me to her little apartment, she informed me that Finn had been taken into custody, and that there was an announcement that my death was a hoax. After that, I just cried, still in shock of what happened. Sadie started to cook me all sorts of foods, and it went on like this for a few weeks, just us.

     I've been living with Sadie for a month, I never asked why her house was so small, she was, of course, at one time a millionaire, but I didn't want to pry. Eventually, Bailey came to visit with Sadie regularly, and she says that she trusts Sadie and can see that nothing is going on, so she is still giving us space.
     Today, I decide to get up out of Sadie's bed and walk around the house. Sadie follows me, she's still shook up over the whole thing, I guess. "Sadie.." I stop walking, sighing and turn around to face the docile ginger "Yes?" She says as if she isn't doing anything out of the ordinary. "You know, I can walk around by myself.. you could've kept resting." Sadie looks down "I-I know... but I was gonna go that way a-anyways.." I roll my eyes, walking up to her. I grab her hands in mine, her cold, cold hands "Sadie, I can take care of myself." She looks down, not responding. I let go of one of her hands, grabbing her chin lightly with the tips of my fingers so she looks into my eyes. A mist of red spreads across her cheeks "I can take care of myself." I repeat, trying to get my point across to her. She slowly nods, her eyes showing defeat, "... I know." She says quietly, barely over a whisper. I sigh, letting go of her chin. "How about we make breakfast.. together." She looks up on her own accord, a warm smile on her face. "That sounds good."

[Sadie's POV]

     We make our way into the kitchen, I get the almond milk from the fridge "You know.." I chuckle "This reminds me of when we used to have sleepovers whenever we were filming." I hear Millie sigh "Yeah, things were so much simpler back then." I roll my eyes "Yeah, our lines were lacking emotional depth and-" "No.. I'm not talking about the show." I look up at her, she's kneading the dough, incorrectly. "You're doing it wrong." She rolls her eyes "I'd like to see you make it any better Sads." I walk up behind her, "What's the fun in doing all the work by myself? I'll teach you how to do it right." She scoots over to let me closer to the dough "Good luck with that." I can practically feel her smirking at me. I smirk back "I thought you said you could take care of yourself?" The brunette scoffs "I can!" I turn to look at her, gesturing towards the lump of dough, then move closer until we are inches away from each other "Then prove it." I whisper to her, then scoot back to where I was originally standing. I could see that Millie was flustered, but I didn't know if it was because she didn't know how to make the bread dough right, or if it was because of how close we had been. She looked at the dough, then at me, then back to the dough. "I- uh.. need help." I can't help but chuckle, to which she lightly hits me. "Okay Princess, I guess I can help." So I once again get behind Millie, looking over her shoulder at how she's kneading the dough "No, you have to be gentle with it." I take her hands into my own, I notice that her hands are warm. Her breath stifles and she looks back at me. "I..I don't think I can.." I chuckle "You don't think you can be gentle with the dough?" Her eyes flicker to mine, mine following hers. "No.." A little bit of heat floods my cheeks. "No?" I tilt my head a slight bit, not breaking eye contact. "I.. I can't seem to figure it out, show me?" I nod, moving her hands back to the dough. "In case you get any ideas..." She pauses as I start to caress our hands through the dough, showing her how to knead it. "I don't think it's right to.. bake bread with someone who.. already has someone to bake with.." I look at her confused, she removes my hands from her own. "Especially if she doesn't want to.. bake with that person.." I step away, leaning on the counter behind me, I understand what she's saying and.. I know what she wants me to do. She clears her throat "Thank you for showing me how.. I'll have to return the favor sometime." She turns away from the dough, "Just tell me when your schedule is open.." We stare at each other for a few seconds more, and then the oven goes off. She picks up the dough, puts it in a pan, and proceeds to put it in the oven. "Well, let me know when it's done," She looks like she's about to say something more, but then she just walks off. God, what have I done?

[Millie's POV]

I decide to take a break because it was getting really hot it in kitchen. As I was about to walk into Sadie's bedroom, I hear the doorbell. 'Bailey.' I think to myself. I walk towards the entryway and open the door. She's standing there with this, stupid look on her face. God I want to- "Hello, Millie." I press on the best smile I can muster "Bailey, hi!" I step aside to let her in. "I'll go get Sadie for you." I close the door behind her, walking towards the kitchen. "Sadie, Bailey is here." I look down, then trace Sadie's gaze. "Don't worry, I'll watch after the bread.. you can go."

     I sit in silence on the counter, trying to listen in on Bailey and Sadie, who are currently in Sadie's bedroom. I don't hear anything because her bedroom is all the way on the other side of the house, that's probably for the best though.

[Sadie's POV]

     I walk into the bedroom, our usual meeting place, closing the door. Bailey walks up to me, taking my hands in hers. Her hands are cold. She pulls me over to her, pushing me onto my bed gently. "Bailey.." She looks me in the eyes, before moving down and placing a trail of kisses down my neck. "Bailey.. we need to talk." She hesitantly sits up, pulling all of her hair behind her. "Okay." I sit up, she moves over to my beanbag chair, we sit directly across from each other. "What's up?"

1141 words
that was kinda fluffy... sorta
I'll update again this week between Sunday and Wednesday.. maybe right after this idk..
hope y'all like it.. if you don't let me know what you don't like so I can try to improve on it.. the whole book in general not just this chapter.. well

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