Threats or Bets

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TW-Assault, also some uncomfortably long making out... but pick your poison

[Sadie's POV]

     It's been a week and everything's been great. Millie and I have been having a blast. We called my company and they said they would like to see our design pitch for the new line. So that's where we're picking up for today. I sit in the back of Millie's limousine, our hands barely touching, because we both agreed that we shouldn't tell anyone.  In a way, I hate myself for suggesting it, but there's something that's very.. risque about it all. Millie takes out two of the outfits from my new line, even though typically models wear them. "George, can you close the viewway? Miss Sink and I are going to change." George responds by closing the viewway and Millie hands me one of the outfits. "Hey, uh.." Millie nods, "Right, sorry." She faces the other direction, I doing the same. I take off my shirt and my pants and change into the jumper that Millie gave me. I cough to signify that I'm done, and I turn back to face Millie. My face goes bright red and my eyes widen as I realize that she wasn't done changing. I turn to face the other way, hoping she hadn't noticed. Once Millie finished changing, she tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to look at her, the blush still prevalent on my face. We sit in silence for a few seconds before the brunette slowly smirks at me. "If you wanted a peek, you could've just asked." She chuckles "No-I just.. I thought you were done and I wasn't thinking and I turned away right after I realized-" Millie grabs my hand in her own and presses her lips to mine. "Calm down, I'm just joking. Well, not really.. but I know you didn't look on purpose. I just think it's cute when I get you all flustered." I lean in and give her a light peck on the lips. "I love you.." I sigh, satisfied.. until I realize what I just said. "I mean- I love the way you make me feel.. in a way that is- I.. uhh." Millie just giggles "See, this is the best feeling in the world," She pauses to lean against my head. "And I love you too." My heart is beating so fast and I hope Millie can't feel it. Then, I do the unspeakable.. I sit up and smash my lips onto Millie's. I obviously wasn't expecting to keep the lead, as in the next moment Millie kisses back, very passionately. She gently pushes me against the seats, not breaking our kiss. I move my hands up into her hair, I've found that is where my hands belong. Millie looks at me with a hint of desire. I feel bad, because it's not like I don't trust her.. I don't trust myself. I'll always feel like I'm leading her on until I feel comfortable with myself. Millie bites my bottom lip, lightly pulling back after releasing it. She rubs the sides of my arms, it's such a nice sensation. "Are you okay, Miss Sink?" She whispers, filling my body with chills. "Yes, Miss Brown, I'm doing fine." I try to lean up to give her a kiss, but she pushes me back down. "Can I?" She asks, moving the strap of my jumper away from my collarbone. I bite my lip as I think about it for a few seconds, furrowing my eyebrows. "Okay, but you can't leave anything too.. noticeable." I say as more of a suggestion than an order. Millie gave me one last peck on the mouth before she slowly started moving down my jawline, then my neck, until she reached my sweet spot. Once there, she started leaving light little kisses. I giggled, biting down on my lip to keep me from embarrassing myself in front of the limo driver. Shortly after that I felt a suction and something in my stomach got hot. I let out a few quiet whimpers, then Millie pulls off of me. "Maybe we should do this later.." I giggle "Maybe.." She gives me a few kisses, adjusting my strap. "It almost works, you'll just have to let your hair down." I smile before giving her one last, small kiss. Then I hear a voice. "Miss Brown, we've arrived." She gets off of me, slightly blushing. "Yes, thank you George!" I sit up, taking my hair out of the ponytail and adjusting it so that it looks semi-presentable. "Let's do this." Millie opens the door, gesturing for me to go out. "Ladies first?" She shakes her head, "No, most flustered first." I blush, looking down before getting out of the car. 

     The meeting was going perfectly well, all of the board members loved the brand design, then the one person I never expected to see again showed up. "What are you doing here, Mr. Wolfhard?" I sigh, trying to act professional in front of my business partners. "My friend is on this board, he's... sick. So he requested that I fill in, if not only to tell him what I find out." I press my hands against the table, gesturing for Millie to leave the room. "Can Mr. Wolfhard and I speak privately for a moment?" I stood up, pacing back and forth. Everyone who was in the room was gone, except for Finn and I. "What do you want Finn?" The estranged man walked towards me. "Can't two old friends just talk?" His voice was husky, and it gave me chills. The not good kind. "Not without the lesser one needing something. Not now." I sigh, standing in my place. He shrugs. "Fine, I want you to stay away from Millie."  He smirks. "Finn, you aren't allowed to be near her, what makes you think you can get me to stay away from her?" I shrink down as he walks closer to me. "I don't know, you tell me." Is he coming onto me? He walks closer, I turn around, crossing my arms over my chest. "You do know I'm gay, right?" I chuckle to myself. "Yeah, I know." He grabs me by the neck, and I immediately think he's going to strangle me, but he just.. holds me. "And by the looks of it, she knows too." My eyes go wide, he found the hickies.. "Listen, I'll make you a deal." He lets go and grabs me by my chin, forcing me to look at him. I don't know what Millie ever saw in him. "If you leave Millie alone, I won't ruin her life."
I laugh, I don't know what to say except "You're crazy. You could never ruin her life." I sit down in one of the chairs, too bored to care with his bullshit. "Yeah... except for the fact that she cheated on me." I can't help but burst out in a fit of laughter. "She didn't cheat on you." He bobs his head from one side to the other. "Except, no one knows that but you, me, and her." I lose my confidence, knowing that this deranged psychopath can think up some deep shit. "No one would believe you." He looks down, a smile on his face. "Oh, no, the evidence speaks for itself. They can all hate me if they want." He chuckles, walking closer to me again. "They would just have to hate her more." My head sinks down, I know that he's right, at least in the least bit. "YOU'RE A FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!" I yell at him. He doesn't take kindly to that. He frowns, slapping me straight across the face. "GET OUT!" I yell again, standing up, tears threatening to spill down my face. He practically stomps out of the room. I take a moment to regain my composure before sticking my head out of the room, "Okay, everyone, let's continue." And walking back in, staying extra close to Millie. We sit back down, I reach for her hand underneath the table. She grabs my hand. I smile, looking over to her. She smiles back. "Well, ladies, we will discuss this further, but congratulations!" One of the board members exclaims. I sigh, relieved. "Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, Miss Brown and I have other things we have to do." I stand up, letting go of her small, warm hand. "Of course, goodbye Miss Sink, Miss Brown." Millie and I walk out of the conference room and downstairs to the parking lot. 

     "What did he say to you?" Millie started. "Nothing. He just had a question about business." I sighed, opening the door. "Most successful first." The brunette rolls her eyes, stepping into the limousine. I follow in after her, closing the door. "But if he's threatening you-" I hate lying to her, but I don't want her to get hurt. I frown, furrowing my eyebrows. "Can we cuddle, Miss Brown?" She smiles, wrapping me in her arms. "Always, Miss Sink." 

1051 words
this is slowly turning into the plotlines like that of Riverdale..
so,, i'm still flying by the seat of my pants with this
I don't know what I'm going to write when I sit down.. and it's worked so far
I'm proud of this chapter, I like how uneasy it made me feel,
like that's what it was supposed to do, so yeah..
comment if you liked it, or if you didn't
please give me feedback if you want to because I feel awkward knowing people read my books but don't make themselves known.. not saying anonymity is bad, I personally just feel awkward
and if you like my story don't forget to vote and idk, tell your friends,, or followers, maybe your grandma? I don't know
it's currently 2:42 in the morning,, so yeah.. if this chapter sucks looking back, you know why
also I would love feedback on my elmax book,, if you don't mind
oh- right, if you like Elmax I have a book for that- it's in my works,, just go to my profile.. It's called Corrupt.. I have 2 chapters out now- well really a prologue and a chapter..
and if you like that one vote it too please, and maybe share, if it isn't too much..
I would love to get my stories out in the open so more people can read them, but that'll only happen with y'alls help 
sorry, that was a long a/n (If you can't tell I'm the anxious, rambling type)

(Oh, also i looked at the tags and apparently this is #20 in Sillie.. so uh.. Thank Y'all for reading this and getting the word out to others!)

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