Chapter 27

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I had to gather everyone up. We needed to get walking, and even though I wan't quite sure I was even staying with Haydn (in fact I was almost convinced on the opposite), that didn't change the fact that we needed to keep moving. Continue to cause trouble and we would be in juvie. I was pretty sure that Mum and Daddy were still looking for us, even though we disappeared about two weeks ago and there hasn't been a sign of us anywhere.

"I thought you didn't want to come," Haydn said, gathering the bags up and fixing the hem of his dirty shirt. Poor child had like, no extra clothes and he smelled like a garbage can.

"Don't get smart with me, I never said that," I glared at him. Trey helped me finish gathering my crap and we left Haydn in the dust before he could protest any further. 

We were on the outskirts of the abandoned city. The plan was to take some back country to escape some of the bussel and hopefully make it safely to the next subway that Haydn and I mapped out together before Trey came along. If we stayed away from any large crowds and cities, it would raise our chances of not getting caught.

Haydn finally caught up with us. We walked down what used to be Maine Street. Old buildings (1800's style) rose on either side of us. Graffiti and broken windows adorned the place and there wasn't a soul to be see. Perfect. I didn't like people.

Trey let me use his skateboard for a while. I was getting pretty good at it, I even jumped a curb a couple times. After my turn, Trey once again put me on the front of his board, wrapped his arms around my chest from behind, and propelled us foreward. Haydn had trouble keeping up with our pace, but that was understandable. After all, Trey was picky about who he let use his skateboard and me being his girlfriend (or lets just say, close to it), I had special privilages. Also, I couldn't image Trey doing this whole 'Titanic' looking thing with Haydn being on the front of the skateboard like me, and him propelling them foreward into a romantic sunset. I didn't WANT to imagine it.

Buildings became fewer and farther between and after a couple hours of traveling we were in a huge field, the city behind us and nothing ahead of us.

"Hey, look!" Trey acknowledged a sign we were passing. He stopped the skateboard, and I read the dirty, white letters.

"You are leaving Florida. Welcome to Georgia."

I jumped up and did a happy dance. We did it! We crossed our first state border! I felt Trey's lips brush my cheek. I didn't return the kiss - I just closed my eyes and enjoyed it. A cool wind started sweeping away some of the summer day's heat.

When Haydn finally caught up with us and he was able to do some sort of celebration, we were off again. I almost felt kind of sorry for him, having to walk a few hundred miles while I could just skateboard all over the place.



I nodded. "Yeah." I didn't eat a lot yesterday, and we hadn't had breakfast. Sheesh, we were skipping meals all over the place.

We slowed down and waited for Haydn, and told him we were gonna stop and eat some place. He asked where.

"Well, it's been a while," Trey began, "But I think there's a Cracker Barrel up here somewhere."

"Uh," I laughed. "Ya know, Trey, there are a LOT of Cracker Barrels just about all over the place, ESPECIALLY in Georgia!"

"Well, then I was correct, wasn't I?"

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