Chapter 32

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I started to wake up, but at the same time I was still fast asleep. An absolute mega-headache clashed against my head with each heartbeat. I felt so nauseated it wasn't funny. Every part of me was sore. My mouth and throat where so dry, and there might have even been a little sand in there. When I opened my eyes the sun decided to be super evil and start shining. I shut my eyes again and rubbed my poor, poor head with my tingling arms.

I felt wretched.

As I became slightly more and more awake instead of asleep, I noticed I was laying on the beach in the sand. The cool water felt nice on my hot feet. I stretched just a little, then despite the evil sun I sat up as quickly as possible without throwing up.

I was butt naked.

I tried so hard not to scream but I did anyway. I then covered my face and layed back down as my head cursed me for the loud noise. I didn't remember hardly anything of yesterday. Once I was physically able I sat up again and looked around, using my arms to cover myself and turning my head away from the sun. I then promptly screamed again and looked away.

Trey was, WAS, sleeping, beside me, and he was also...uh, missing a few garments.

Trying desperately to ignore the headache I scrambled to gather my clothes that were in a not-so-neat little pile tossed over yonder. My pants were on backwards and my shirt was inside out but I didn't care.

"Travis Micheal Chadwick, before I ask any questions, get your clothes on!" I said as loud as my head would let me. I rubbed my temples, my mind spinning, my stomach threatening to empty itself.


Once I was positive he was fully dressed, I turned around and slowly walked towards him, then sat down. Then I changed my mind and stood up again. Who knows, I might need to start spontaneously running to Middle Earth.

"Well, my clothes are on. You got questions?" It's only then that I actually saw a smirk on his face. Yeah, he looked like he had a headache and nausea too, but he seemed...almost pleased with himself, as if he had done something and -

Wait a second...

"Uh, y'know, just wondering, but I still...did you...we..." I bit my lip awkwardly. "Am I still a virgin?"

He started laughing as loudly as a poor hungover soul would allow. At least, I assumed what we were feeling was hangover. All the signs met up to mean "we got drunk last night."

As soon as he stopped laughing, he exaggerated wiping fake tears of laughter from his eyes. "Really now, Ceilin darling. I thought you'd be smarter than that." He started to stand. "You can put two and two together and answer your own question, now, can't you?"

I wasn't quite sure how to reply. I forced my eyes to cut into his, to rip his lying, disgusting, rotten, dirty, banging little brain into a million microscopic pieces and toss them into space, a million lightyears away from each other, a million lightyears away from earth.

That was morbid.

"I want to hear you say it." I growl. "I want to hear you admit what you did to me."

I thought my statement would be somewhat painful for him too, but he crossed his arms, leaned back, and oh-so calmly said, "I took advantage of your innocence, your virginness, your desperate want for affection, and your cluelessness and used you for entertainment purposes."

My jaw was so wide it almost dislocated.

"Entertainment purposes?!" I didn't care about my headache anymore. I had never been so ticked off in my life. "You let me BELIEVE I was wanted, BELIEVE you cared, BELIEVE we were together, BELIEVE it was possible for you to care-"

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