Moving On

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I sat there covered in blood, my sword was stabbed into the sand dripping blood of the handle, my other sword still in the flesh of a Draken. Agrippa lay on his back panting from exhaustion, with cuts and bruises all over his body. Mixed in with the Draken bodies are the ripped up bloody corpses of towns people. The remaining towns people gather in a group and talk for ten minutes. One man walks over towards us and says, "Thank you so much for the information and the help. We want to thank so much so we all pitched in an we have a reward for you."

He led us to a tall building split down the middle with one side leaning precariously to its side. He brought into a room and in the center was a long machine with huge wheels on the front and back and a cushion in the middle and handles towards the front. To its side was a metal cart with coushins on the inside. "It may seem impractical by it actually runs on cooked cactus juice. It is a relic from before the pandemic that we have restored bit by bit and its finally done."

I sat on the cushion attached to the long machine and gripped the handlebars. I watched quietly as Agrippa managed to squeeze himself into the small metal cart. With his torso hanging out and his arms dangling down the sides I started the machine called a motorcycle. It made a loud sound echoing around the room, I turned the handle and we sped out of the room leaving a trail behind us."W-where are w-we headed n-now Ian?" Agrippa asked trying to adjust his position.

I looked over noticing the metal had bent allowing him more space and said, "I guess we'll had north towards Nyshka and we'll stop at Kald and Durntal."

We traveled onwards until dusk when we stopped and set up a fire. Sitting on a large flat stone and watching the glow of a fire illuminate my surroundings. Agrippa's breathing slowed and became rhythmic as he lay on his side under a dead tree. I just sat and thought, thought about how much my life has changed since a month ago. I am traveling with another and I have accomplished so much, I haven't taken any small jobs I've basically been fighting small scale wars against the Draken. Soon we will be taking the fight to them, we will attack the Draken outpost in Kald and in Durntal we shall gather supplies and rest.

I looked around my surroundings, in the distance I saw glowing green lines creating a network of veins. As I continued to stare I realized it as the white wolf. I have got glimpses of It before but never have I had the time to observe it. I pulled out my rifle so I could stare at it closer through the scope. As I held it up to my eye and aimed I towards the direction of the wolf. It was gone I saw no trace on the empty horizon, I lowered my rifle and slowly drifted to sleep feeling it unnecessary to pursue what was probably a figment of my imagination.

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