Gotta Get Out

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Tall searing flames reached out obscuring my view of the way I came from. I decided to head in the path least rampant with fire. Sprinting down the path I came to a dead end almost immediately. I quickly did a one eighty but behind me was a wall of flames. A dark figure walked through the flames and charged. As it exited the flames I noticed it was the minotaur only his hand and foot had regrown into . His horns were even larger and they were dipped in gold at the tips. His muscular arms bulged out of his torn shirt and dark blue cloth hung from his legs.

He lowered his head and began to charge toward me. I did a front flip over his back almost landing in the flames, I did another one eighty and jumped at him with my tri blade gauntlets. I stabbed his back and hung on. He ran around the room with me on his back. As he ran more I stared to slip and slid down with my blade still in his back. Blue blood leaked onto the ground creating a pool. He swung around with his fist but I managed to stab his hand with my tri blades. I lifted the other out of his back and stabbed him in the neck. Blood gushed through the wound getting blood on nearby hedges putting out small fires. However this only infuriated him as he grabbed me by the neck and held me high above his head.

Oxygen leacked out of my body and my face became purple. The minotaur pressed a button on both of my gauntlets causing the blades to retract. He relaxed his grip long enough for me to breathe once before he continued to choke me. He walked over to the fire and taking a branch sticking out from the hedge he dipped it in the deep red fire. He pulled it back out and it was covered in flames. "Are you ready for your slow...painful death?" He asked.

Leaving no time for a reply he swiped my face with the branch leaving a bloody charred line on my face. Screaming I kicked his face and stuck him again and again with my feet. "Doesn't look like you'll be able to get out of here alive, does it." He said smiling a crooked smile.

I managed to relax his grip and with my hands and fiddled with my gauntlets, quickly the blades extended and I stabbed his neck with them. Blood poured out of his neck. Taking my blades out of his body he collapsed onto the ground moaning. I looked around noticing the walls of fire crawling up on me. I climbed on top of the hedge and started sprinting, I ran for the closest exit jumping from hedge to hedge avoiding the heat of the fire. Almost to the end three spiders surrounded me. I got prepared to fight and the smallest spider charged toward me. I stabbed spide in the eyes puncturing its skull and deafeating it. The other two stuck me knocking me backwards and drawing blood from my arms. I pressed a hidden button on the inside of my gauntlets extending the blades. I swung at the largest spider that was bigger than me and sliced open one of its legs spraying green liquid on me. The liquid melted through my armor and burned my skin. The other spider spun around and shot a white material out of its abdomen. I rolled fowards and struck the underside of the beast. I quickly took my blade out and stuck again, this time the spider flung me off with one of its arms.

I flew off the aside of the hedge and caught hold of a branch near the top. Pulling myself up the large spider swung at me with its leg knocking me further down the side of the hedge. I looked over my shoulder and saw flames beginning to reach this part of the maze. I grabbed hold of a thick branch and balanced myself on top. Bending my legs jumped from the branch to the top of the hedge and pierced the smaller spider with my blades. The blades punctured its neck and I swiftly jumped off and landed on the large spider. I pressed another button and tiny hooks protruded from the tips of all three of the blades. The spider tried to shake me off but I was latched on. "If you want me off you'll bring me to the exit!" I screamed at the beast.

It started sprinting towards the exit spraying green blood of of its back burning my skin and employing my clothes. We finally reached the exit and I pressed the button again releasing the hooks and jumped off landing on a pile of leaves under a tall tree.

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