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Barbara Gordon's POV
How the hell did she find the Batcave?! I made sure I wasn't followed. Gwen better have a good explanation before Bruce kills me.

"Batgirl. Explain", Bruce gritted his teeth.

"Uh...I guess I was followed".

God that sounded lame. Oh well I'm dead. Might as well kill her before Batman scares her to death.

"Well I guess I can't keep any secrets from you, can I?" I tried looking stern.

Gwen Stacy's POV
Now that I'm busted I wonder what they're going to do to me... whatever it is I know it won't be pleasant.

"Hey bats, nice hideout but I think it's too cave-y for my taste".

"We should kill her", Batman suggested.

"And feed her corpse to Ace", Batgirl added.

"... I'm sorry...what?!" They're going to try to silence me! I can't believe this, I thought we trusted each other. I couldn't help but feel betrayal from Batgirl.

"You can't kill me for knowing your little secret! That's totally not fair! If you're gonna kill me then you better try to your best shot. I'm not afraid of you...wait...Babs?" I noticed Batgirl couldn't keep a straight face.
Batman revealed a half smile.

"Oh...you guys are just pulling my leg aren't you?" Realizing that they were just messing with me I felt a bit...embarrassed.

Barbara Gordon's POV
We always trick intruders into thinking we're going to kill them. To me the look on their faces is priceless. I understand why they believe that. The Batman is not exactly a warm, welcoming kind of guy.

"Don't worry Batman, I'm sure she knows how to keep a secret".

"She won't tell the public but she'll tell other vigilantes from her world, we can't risk that", Batman stated.

"W-what? No! I'm not going to tell EVERY superhero, not even the secret warriors".

"Who?" I asked. I thought the spider verse heroes were her team and now I'm hearing about another team she's in.

Ghost Spider looked ready to tell us but not in front of Batman. I knew it was going to take a while for Batman to warm up to her.

"Ghost Spider, do you know the man in the glider?"

"...Yes. His name is Harry, Harry Osborne, he tried to kill me multiple times because he thought I was responsible for his friend's death"

I remember her mentioning she lost a close friend who went by Peter Parker.

Batman went to the bat-computer.
After typing the computer responded by saying no match.

"There's no one who goes by that name, Harry Osborne doesn't exist here", Batman detected.

"Because he's not from this earth. And as far as I know this dimension is different from all the others I've been in".

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"All the other dimensions have Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Dr Strange and mostly importantly they have heroes like me, but I doubt this dimension has any of that", She explained.

That sounded strange to me. She already told me what the multiverse was like but why is it that every dimension in the multiverse is completely different from this one?
I've never heard of any of those people she just mentioned.

"What if we hack into all the cameras in the city?" By the time I suggested that idea out loud Batman already found something.

"A man was seen in Avenue X just on the East End. He arrived just two months before you arrived".

"That's him! That's Harry...and...Cindy Moon?"

"Tell me about the woman with him", Batman inquired.

"She's bad news. She created–", Ghost Spider paused as if she said something wrong.

"–Something that gave me the powers I have to be a hero".

Batman started looking at her suspiciously. "A radioactive spider".

Now I thought that was ridiculous but by looking at how wide Ghosty's eye lenses were getting...

Gwen Stacy POV
How on this earth did he know that detail? No way did he guess it.
"How did you know?"

"I'm the world's greatest detective", he simply answered.

"He was just guessing", Batgirl whispered in my ear.

I have a feeling that their going to keep toying with me from now on.

"Quick question, how did your enemies find Gotham?" Batgirl asked.

"I don't know, but at least I know why I was brought here and I have to stop them".

"We have to stop them", Batgirl corrected.

"And they're going to regret coming here", Batman added.

"I see you have a plan", Batgirl smirked.

Ghost Spider and Batgirl:Super Best Friends WhereverWhere stories live. Discover now