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Gwen Stacy's POV
When Batgirl asked me to go with her on patrol I didn't think she'd be standing on the building in a brooding position.

"Why are you standing like that Babs?"

Batgirl just looked down and chuckled. I was getting confused.

"Oh Sweet. Young. Innocent Spider. One day you'll be old enough to realize why heroes in this universe stand on buildings", she mocked.

"Har har" I rolled my eyes before being sarcastic. Although I'm not sure why she's treating me like a kid.

Batgirl then stared at a distance.

I looked in her direction and I saw police cars chasing a van. I assumed the people in it were criminals trying to escape the cops.

"C'mon batsie we gotta stop those criminals!" I shot out web strings from my web shooters. Just as I was about to swing I pulled Batgirl along with me and started while carrying her across.

"Ghost spid–AAAHHH!" She was clinging onto me for dear life as we were up in the air.

Barbara Gordon's POV
The second time this is happening and I still don't like it. We were basically fifty storeys up. I wanted to scream but then it would look like she was kidnapping me.

"There are our guys!" She started swinging lower to the top of the truck and dropped me down gently.

I dropped a small bomb at the back. Once it exploded at the back (while I went to the front) I wondered what Ghost Spider was doing.

Gwen Stacy POV
The criminals were busy driving so I knocked on the window.

"Hi criminals! The name's Ghost Spider, just don't call me spider lady or spider girl or babe. What are your names?"

"The hell is this?!" The criminal looked shocked to see a hero he probably never heard of before.

"Doesn't matter! Kill that freak!" The other felon ordered.

Doing just as he was told he pulled out a gun and tried to shoot me. Of course I moved out of the way by going to the roof above their heads. They started shooting at the roof. Good thing my Spidey sense warned me that they were gonna do that.

"I hate it when criminals shoot like that", I said to myself.

I slid down the windshield and punched it open. The men were screaming for their lives. I shot a web string at their guns and yanked them away. I grabbed the two men and wrapped them in my web fluid. When I shot them in the air Batgirl shouted:


I ignored her (even though she shouted so loud the car alarms might've gone off).

I jumped after them and hung them on a street light.

With no driver the truck couldn't be controlled. I started swinging to it with the realisation that Batgirl was still on it. She saw me approaching her and held out her hand for me take.

Fortunately I rescued her from hitting a brick wall. While she was holding my hand I swung us to her apartment.

No one's POV
When the police stopped after the truck crashed they all got out of their cars.

They all started staring at the criminals hanging on the edge of the street light.

"What the...hell is that they're tied up in?" One of the officers question.

"Looks like a spider's web or silk", Another officer examined after cutting the web string down and arresting the criminals.

"Who was that chic with Batgirl?"

"I don't know".

"Commissioner Gordon this is officer Smith we have an incident caused by a 10–5 in Wes street over".

"10–5?" A new officer asked.

"It means unidentified vigilante".

Ghost Spider and Batgirl:Super Best Friends WhereverWhere stories live. Discover now