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Barbara Gordon POV
I'll admit, I was really hoping we'd find what we were looking for but we didn't. As we were walking to the elevators I noticed Gwen's look of disappointment. When we were inside there was a little bit of an awkward silence. Gwen looked extremely anxious.

"Gwen, it's gonna be okay. I'm not giving up on getting you home".

"I know that you're trying but I'm freaking out Babs", Gwen replied.

"I know but I have a plan B. I know someone who can help".

"Are you serious right now?!" Gwen was obviously not on board with plan B.

Gwen Stacy's POV
I couldn't believe this. Not only did her plan not work but now she's got a plan B? But Barbara does mean well. She's a good person and she's trying to help me. I should trust her.
As we got out of the elevators then out of the building Babs suddenly dragged me someplace that seemed quiet.


"Did you bring your suit?"

I nodded.

"Good, now suit up".

"Yes ma'am", I said in a mocking tone.

"Just put on your costume", Babs rolling her eyes.

          ~~~Time Skip~~

As we were running, leaping from building to building, I couldn't help but worry about whether I could ever go back home. I didn't think about it for long because I noticed something in the sky.

"Uh Batgirl, is that for you?" I pointed at the sky where there was a light in the sky showing the same symbol she had on her chest.

Batgirl stopped as soon as I did and looked up to see the light showing her symbol.

"That's just how the police call Batman", Batgirl explained.

Batman? I remember Barbara telling me about that guy. He must be a big deal in this town.

"Wait, the cops don't see you and that guy as outlaws?"

"Well, they trust Batman. He's Gotham's residential hero".

She shot another grappling hook at the next building and I shot my web in the same direction.

"We're here", Batgirl whispered quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"What are we doing in someone's apartment?" I questioned after we went through the window.

"There's only one person in Gotham who might know how to fix your device, don't worry you can trust him".

"I trust you Babs but how are you so sure?", I argued.

"Because he helped me walk again", she answered as if she was taking a huge risk telling me this.

Walk again? I was shocked at that response. Was she a cripple? Before I could ask another question the lights were turned on.

"Who's there?" Came a voice that seemed panicked and frightened.

I saw that the voice came from an elderly african american man in his pajamas. He was aiming what seemed to be a type of Taser at us.

"Mr Fox it's just me", Batgirl reassured.

"Batgirl? Oh thank God!" He sighed in relief. He was then eyeing me head to toe in a suspicious look.

"Mr Fox I'm sorry to be coming unannounced but this is an emergency, we need–"

"Dad! What's going on?! Did you call the cops?" A young man no older than me or Batgirl came in with a gun in his hand looking ready to shoot.

"It's alright Luke, just a friend coming for help with a guest", Mr Fox tried to calm his son down.

"Batgirl? Who's your friend?" Luke seemed just as concerned as his father.

"This is Ghost Spider, it's a long story but she needs your help", she explained.

Ghost Spider and Batgirl:Super Best Friends WhereverWhere stories live. Discover now