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Gwen Stacy P.OV.
I was just swinging by the city during the night and by the time morning came I grew tired. Realizing that I didn't really have a place to stay I went back to Barbara Gordon's apartment. I hoped she wouldn't mind if I went to take a nap in her bed. When I went inside I must've stepped on something sharp. I switched on the lights and I found some sharp looking bat-shaped weapon. Now this was interesting. Batgirl must've come to visit her a few days ago OR...

No it couldn't be. But Barbara's room could get a little untidy. A bit like mine. Then I saw that she left a phone on the table. I picked it up then it started ringing. I answered it without thinking then I heard a voice.

"Barbara there's something I need you to know but you need to suit up and meet me in Crime Alley. Then we can talk. Hello?"

I froze in shock but not entirely because I already suspected something was up.

"Hello? Hey Barbie you there?"

I quickly hung up before the person on the call could start asking why I was being quiet.

Whoever was trying to call Barbara just gave away her secret to me. Well now I'm on to her. Now I know who she is and I didn't have to ask her anything.

I wanted to wait for Batgirl to return but I suddenly felt tired so I lay on her bed and drifted off to sleep.

~time skip~

When I opened my eyes I found a blanket covering my body.

"Morning sleepy head!" Batgirl–er I mean Barbara called out. She came in with breakfast in a tray. Why was she suddenly offering me food?

As I was in a sitting position she put the tray on the bed in front of me. This breakfast she made looked so delicious and I think my mouth watered.

I lifted my mask up but only up to my nose. When I took one piece of pancake and put it in my mouth that's when I noticed Barbara sat on the other side of the bed and was staring at me. It was as if she was analyzing me or something.

I looked at her then she looked away.

"So um...which Earth are you from Ghost Spider?"

I should've known she only made me breakfast just so she can get me to tell her everything about myself.

"Earth 65, which Earth is this?" I talked while eating breakfast.

"Um I think...Earth 1?", She guessed.

"That's...an unlucky guess", I laughed at her lack of knowledge about dimensions.

Barbara was trying to look away because I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Well some of us haven't travelled to another Earth before because it seemed like science fiction", she said still avoiding eye contact.

"You're funny Batgirl–", I tried to cover my mouth but it was too late.

She looked at me with her face going pale.

"How did you know?"

"Barbara I don't think it's fair that you're trying to figure out my identity but you won't tell me yours".

Barbara was about to say something when we both heard a someone climbing up the fire escape.

"Go hide now!" She said quietly.

I quickly went inside her closet and hid there.

"Hey Barbie, I brought brunch just for this special occasion", a guys voice said to Barbara. He's voice seemed like it was dubbed.

"That's very sweet of you...Red Hood".

"Not calling me by my name Batsie?" It sounded like he was teasing.

"I was thinking of calling you by your name later... tonight".

There was a short moment of silence.

"But right now I'm busy on a mission and I'll call you later OK?"

Then I heard the sound of footsteps and then the door closing.

She then opened the closet and told me he was gone.

I just looked at her for a second. I took off my mask revealing my face. She looked shocked that I was revealing my secret identity to her. I realized that if we're gonna have to work together to find a way to get me home. We need to trust each other and know who we're working with.

"Barbara...if we're going to fix my device I think we have to trust each other first. So since I've told you everything you need to know about me I think it's only fair you do the same".

She looked at me long and hard and sighed. "I'll tell you what you need to know about me but only what seems necessary to tell you OK?"

"I can accept that", I smiled. "Oh and my name's Gwen, Gwen Stacy". I extended my hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Gwen Stacy", as she shook my hand we both laughed together.

Ghost Spider and Batgirl:Super Best Friends WhereverWhere stories live. Discover now