Chapter 5

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                                             Chapter 5

                                   "The Little House on the Corner"

Hannah smiled at me, her eyes bright despite the fact her face looked much older than her fourteen years.

“She’s very pretty.”

Killian narrowed his eyes at her. “Hush. Evelyn, would you like something to eat?”

I ignored his name for me and nodded, smiling slightly. “Please.”

Hannah rushed to pour me a bowl of soup and something about the way she moved troubled me. I made a mental note to talk to Killian about it later.

“Where are your other siblings?” I asked quietly as Hannah slid a steaming bowl in front of me. I felt warm and content in their little home and I was looking forward to meeting the rest of them.

“Anamae isn’t feeling well so she’s asleep. Jakob must still be out.” Hannah tugged at the ends of her dark hair which nearly reached her waist. She was a natural beauty.

“And are you going out as well, Hannah?” Killian’s eyes were hard and his lips formed a tense straight line.

She cast her eyes down as she nodded.

I slurped my soup loudly, uncomfortable by the sudden tension.

“I want you home before midnight, understand?” His voice was so paternal.

I thought for a moment Hannah was going to back talk but she murmured a word of consent before going to grab her coat.

“Thank you for the soup.” I sputtered quickly before she closed the door behind her.

She smiled and then she was gone, leaving Killian and I alone. I finished my soup and pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging my legs.

“You look pale. Are you alright?”

I nodded, thinking of my family. “I just miss my family and I worry about them.”

Killian nodded in understanding. “I’m sure they miss you very much.”

“Mmm” was all I managed as I gazed about the dimly lit room. It seemed comforting to be settled into this warm room with Killian sitting beside me at the table. I felt a slight flutter in my chest as my gaze returned to Killian.

“You make a great father.”

He looked at me, his expression conveying his confusion. “I’m not a father.”

This statement, for some reason, caused me to blush. “I know. I mean, how you are with your sister. It’s nice.”

He sighed, resting his cheek against his palm. “It’s hard. She doesn’t want to have to listen to me but she knows it would just make things more difficult if she doesn’t.”

I nodded, understanding what he meant completely. “Hannah seems… did you notice−?” I cut off my sentence as Killian stared me down.

“Notice what exactly?”

The edge in his voice scared me.

“Um, maybe nothing.” I turned my head away from him as I mumbled my reply.

“No, tell me. What did you notice?” he frowned at me, tapping me lightly on the shoulder.

“The way she moved, like she was in pain or something.” I winced as I spoke, the mental images coming to the front of my mind quite painful.

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