Chapter 16

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                                                                         Chapter 16

                                                                         "Free Fall"

 "What happens if I still refuse?" I asked quietly, my heart heavy.

Thereon frowned. "I'm not sure. I've never actually had to use my aunt as leverage before."

Of course not, I thought as my eyes travelled over him once more. Girls probably threw themselves at him.

"Vange," Lucca sighed, his eyes nearly as tired as mine, "you should go with him."

Too tired to argue, I merely nodded and walked out of the room.

"I trust that you can show yourselves out." I called over my shoulder and with that, I disappeared up the stairs.

I stood in front of my closet a few hours later and tried to decide what to wear. As with any meeting that included the entire town, the girls were expected to wear dresses and boys wore nice slacks and dress shirts.

I spied a black dress in the far corner of the closet and smiled slightly. It was very nice but I hadn't worn it in years. I wondered vaguely if it still fit me and pulled it out gently.

I stood in front of the mirror as I tugged it over my head and smiled when I resurfaced.

It was a little short but most of my dresses were (it was difficult to have a dress fit modestly when my legs were so long). I added a belt so that it synched in the waist and emphasized my nice build.

"Ev—" Kahlan immediately stopped herself as she turned into my doorway and took in my appearance.

"What do you need Kay?" I sighed. I wasn't being rude exactly but not very sisterly.

Kahlan smiled a small smile. "I was wondering if you had anything I could borrow."

I laughed at that but shrugged. "I'll look. Do you need me to braid your hair?"

I vaguely noticed her nod as I walked to my closet. Although not huge, it had housed every dress I still owned from the time I was born. With that said, only a few of the ones from my childhood years remained; Kahlan had inherited a lot of them.

I pulled out a simple blue one and showed it to Kahlan, who shook her head. I shrugged and tossed it onto my bed. Being a little more considerate, I chose a deep red dress that had a small waist, something Kahlan needed. Again, she declined.

I frowned and threw that one onto my bed as well. Wondering what Kahlan's taste had morphed into (she used to love all my dresses), I chose a dress that was almost identical to the one I was wearing. The only difference was that it was a touch smaller and navy blue instead of black.

Her face lit up when I held it up for her to see. I helped her put it on and smoothed out the lace bottom.

"Do you have another belt?" she breathed, her eyes brown orbs.

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, what gives?"

Kahlan's facial expression didn't falter. "What do you mean?"

I put my hands on my hips and frowned at her. "You just dissed two of my dresses and chose the one that I'm wearing."

Kahlan's gaze dropped to the ground. "You're so pretty."

My mouth dropped open. "What do you mean by that?"

That may have sounded like a stupid question but it forced an answer out of her.

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