Chapter 11

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                                                            Chapter 11

                       "In the World of Love and War-- Only the Strong Prevail"

Birds chipped above me.

I dreaded opening my eyes because I knew that meant I had to face the questions I couldn’t answer honestly. But the snapping of twigs a few yards away had my eyes popping open and me springing to my feet.

“What are you doing out here?”

My eyes grew wide at the sound of Jakob’s voice. I turned and tried to wipe the caught-expression off my face.

“If I tell you a secret, will you promise to keep it to yourself?” I approached him cautiously and waited for him to say something.

He considered me for a moment, a curious if not suspicious look on his face.

“I’ll think about it. It depends on what it is.”

I nodded and took a deep breath. “I have a problem with sleeping.”

He raised one of his eyebrows in disbelief. “Sleeping?”

I let out a huge sigh and cast my eyes down. “I sleepwalk.” I came out a mumble, just barely loud enough to be considered uttered audibly.


I repeated myself a little louder and the dubious look returned. I rushed to continue before his doubts could be spoken into existence.

“That’s why I always seem to be out here after I go to sleep. I’ve been very bad for doing this the past few months.”

His forehead creased as an expression of deep concentration appeared but then he shrugged.

“Whatever. C’mon, Killian as been worried about you.”

I hesitated outside the door but Jakob marched right in. Never had I felt so out of place in my own skin.

“Look who I found.” I heard Jakob announce from within the house and then there was silence. I just couldn’t find it within me to step through the threshold.

“Evelyn?” Killian appeared in the doorway, bags under his eyes. I immediately tensed, weariness settling into my bones.

“Hi.” I sighed, leaning against the doorframe. He leaned so that he was opposite me, his cheek pressed into the frame.

“Where have you been?” He mimicked my sigh, his eyes tight. It was almost irritating that he cared so much.

“Hanging out with nature,” I let my eyes gaze past him as though I were bored. I bit my lip as an afterthought and brought my eyes back to his.

Killian seemed to be tired of my games and without another word, he pulled me inside.

"Evelyn, you can't keep doing this." He was obviously distressed and I didn't like putting him through that.

"I'm sorry." I sincerely meant it and it seemed that the air deflated from my lungs.

Killian sighed and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay. I just get worried when you disappear like that."

The guilt built up in my heart but I tried to ignore it. I was so unfair to him; he shouldn't have to put up with me. But I was so glad that he did.

He let go of me and turned to Jakob. "Is Anamae still asleep?"

Jakob opened his mouth to reply but he was interrupted.


I smiled when I caught sight of Anamae with a bear similar to the one that had met his demise in flames. Her hair was messy and she let out a huge yawn.

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