9 - Pirate Princess (Original Ep: Greenbacks)

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The next day, Victoria took tea to the woman in her secret room at the top of Belfrey Towers, "Another visit so soon?" The woman asked.

"I thought perhaps you and I might make amends over tea," Victoria said as she poured the tea.

"I take it destroying the girl's belief is proving to be more challenging than expected," The woman said.

"Yes. Lucy has quite the resilient spirit... Just like her mother, I hate it," Victoria said.

"It's a pity. Because if she doesn't forfeit her belief, you'll never see your Anastasia again," The woman said.

"I know. So tell me, what do I do?" Victoria said.

"Do you know what your mistake has always been? You see belief as something solid independent. Something easily removed with one, singular blow. But belief is a weed. It grows wild and deep. If you want to destroy it for good, you have to uproot it," The woman said.

"So I sever her belief by the root... Oh, how rude of me. Did you want a cup? You must be parched," Victoria said as she offered the woman a cup of tea.

"Not that swill! I want my tea. My special brew," The woman said.

"You will get you tea after you give me what I want," Victoria sipped her tea, "Now, which root do I begin with?" Victoria said.

In the office, Lucy was waiting for Victoria to take her to her ballet class, "Where's Grandma? Ballet starts in 10 minutes," Lucy said looking over at Ivy.

Ivy looked up from her phone, "Hush," She looked back, "I'm trying to find an annoyed babysitter emoji," Ivy said.

The elevator door opened and in walked Sabine and Avery, "Aunt Sabine! Auntie Avery! What are you two doing here?" Lucy said as she rushed over and hugged them both.

"Excellent question. You both know, this is private property, so unless you've risen up in the world from fry cook or proper performer, you two don't belong here," Ivy said from her desk.

"I just came to give Lucy this," Sabine said and handed Lucy a paper bag.

Lucy opened the bag to see it was filled with beignets, she looked up at Sabine, "Your famous beignets!" Lucy said.

"They're not nearly as fun to make without my favourite taste tester," Sabine said and they hugged again.

"And I came to give you this," Avery held out a CD, "Your favourite... Something about mixed tapes, don't have the same effects on me... How a mixed CD?" Avery said.

Lucy looked at it and smiled, "I love it!" Lucy said and hugged her.

"Oh, it's got a newbie, you'll be the first to hear it... Other than your mom and the recording studio," Avery said.

"I'll protect it," Lucy said.

"Good lass," Avery said and chuckled.

The elevator dings and opens then Victoria walked out going to Ivy's desk, "Mother, I've been trying to get a hold of you for the last hour. Where have you been?" Ivy asked her.

"Funny and here I thought you worked for me," Victoria handed a piece of paper to her, "Run along to the herbalist and pick up a few things," Victoria said.

"The herbalist?" Ivy questioned as she looked at the list then looked at Victoria, "Are you doing a cleanse without me?" Ivy asked and Avery rolled her eyes.

"Now, Ivy less whimpering and more scampering," Victoria said, Ivy rolled her eyes and left. Victoria turned to Sabine, "Sabine, what a coincidence. I was just talking about you," Victoria said.

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