chapter 17

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The sun shone amidst the clouds and it was drizzling. The troops as ordered by Safwann were however marching to take positions to leave.
Safwann was in the first row, mapping out his way to the next destination and as he did so, he called for the care taker to see if the women were prepared for the leave.
Just when he was about to rein his horse. His minister came running to him, ' your majesty, there is a problem. The queen's horse is not in a good shape, it has dislocated it hoof and cannot move hence, we might have to arrange for another horse or a palanquin maybe.'
Safwann after a thought replied,' the terrain to Sindh is very rugged, a palanquin won't do, arrange for a horse'.
The minister immediately left after taking the order but something came upon Safwann and he moved his horse back to the upper terrace of the mountain, towards Sara's tent.
Everyone felt silent as a horse stopped just outside the tent and Safwann walked in, in all his glory. He waved everybody a dismissal and stood just an arm's length from Sara.

'I am sorry for causing the delay, I should have checked on my horse a day before.' said Sara apologetically.
'The mistake isn't yours, the care taker should have checked, anyway we don't have time to delay'.
Sara was on tenterhooks even as Safwann was speaking, she suddenly felt nervous when she fully made sense of what Safwann said next.
' I have arranged something, come along'.
As she followed Safwann out of the tent. He called for the minister he had a word with minutes ago.
' I think there is no need to arrange for a separate horse, for any delay now will have serious repurcussions. The queen will ride with me on my horse'.
Sara was glued to her spot, how could he decide that without seeking her permission and how in the world were they going to ride one horse? How can they sit that close? But before she could object, Safwann was already upon the saddle, extending his hand for her to take.
She kept him waiting without extending back her hand. Her whole body had turned cold, too cold to move.
' we don't have all day for you to decide to extend your hand nor do we intend to get late because of your stupid hesitancy. Remember you owe us a great deal for allowing your family members to survive, so give your hand in mine and fulfill your role as my slave'.

Sara gave her hand into Safwann's, who pulled her closer and gestured her to put her foot into the stirrup and mount the horse.

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