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"Well, well, well, would you look at that." My head immediately snapped over to see Skids and Mudflap walk towards us. "So you finally got the girl, huh?" Mudflap snickered. Frantic whirs erupted from Bee as he glared at them. My brows furrowed as I looked back and forth between Bee and the twins. "Wait, you knew?" I asked in disbelief. "Oh yeah, all the Autobots knew about Bumblebee's wittle crush on you." Skids confirmed, teasing Bee. "It's been really obvious." Mudflap shrugged. "I mean, even Sam and Mikaela know," I turned to Bee to see what he had to say about this bout he didn't dare look at me. He had even pulled his helmet over his face to hide, which instantly made me laugh. "Awe, Bee." I cood, petting his head. "It's okay. You don't have to be embarrassed." I gently put my hand under his helmet and tried lifting it up. Bee reluctantly let me do so, but didn't look at me. A gentle smile edged on my lips and I hugged him tightly. "I think it's very sweet." I whispered and I felt him wrap his hands around me, but the moment was kinda ruined when the twins made kissy noises and my face heated up once more. "Was..- there..- anything you..- guys..- needed..-? Bumblebee slightly growled, not letting go of me. "Oh yeah! Sam wants us to meet up with them." Skids informed, pointing to the building. "Oh? Did they figure out what to do next?" I asked, still leaning onto Bees shoulder as he wasn't letting me go. "He didn't say. He wanted you to be there." Mudflap said, shrugging. "Well, in that case, let's go." I sighed and slightly pushed away from Bee. A low complaining whir erupted from him and I gently stroked his cheek. "Come on, Bee." I chuckled and hopped off his lap, walking to the hill we had to climb up to get to the others.

I ran inside and called for Sam. It didn't take long for me to hear him call back and I ran upstairs. Getting out on the roof I saw all the others were looking at the pyramids. "(Y/N), good, you're here." Sam commented, turning to the stars. "Okay, you see those three stars?" Sam asked, pointing to the sky. I could see three stars align with each other. "You see how the last one touches the horizon? That's Orion's belt, but it's also called the Three Kings. And the reason for that is the three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow staring us straight in the face." Sam explained excitedly. "They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra. We agreed to wait until the sun rose so we all could get a few more hours of sleep. While everyone went to their own spots, I walked back out to Bumblebee. He had transformed back into his Camaro form and was parked right outside the door. I got into the passenger seat and leaned the seat all the way back. "We'll leave in a few hours." I yawned, closing my eyes. Just as sleep took over, I felt my seat heat up.

I woke up a couple hours later to a knock on the window. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Sam. "Wake up. We'll leave in 20 minutes." He instructed and walked back inside. I instantly turned around and closed my eyes again. "Time..- to..- get up..-." Bee's radio called as I felt my seat being pushed back up into a normal position. "No... Just five more minutes." I yawned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Sorry..- sweety..-. You need..- to..- get ready..-." Pusing, I looked over to the radio, a smile instantly on my face. ""Sweety", huh? That's a new one." I giggled. "Sorry..-." Bumblebee apologized and I leaned against the door. "No, I like it. It's cute." With a final sigh I got out of the car and stretched. "I'll go get ready. See you soon Bee." I gently kissed his roof, before running inside.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked as I met up with the others. Simmons was the only one that could do some sort of shopping and it was even risky then. "We have some protein bars, fruit and some water bottles." Simmons answered. I grabbed a protein bar and an apple before sitting down on a wooden box. We all ate in silence, knowing this next part was going to be though. Once we had all eaten we walked back out to the Autobots. I got in the back with Leo and Mikaela, while Sam and Simmons once again took the front seats.

We drove for a few hours and about 11 o'clock we were finally at our destination where we couldn't drive anymore. There was nothing around us except mountains and sand, but we had to keep going. Our hope of finding the Matrix was not dead. And so we ventured on. Simmons had kept the coordinates on his gps and we were able to figure out where to go with the help of it. "It's gotta be around here somewhere." Simmons commented just as he bumped into Sam. When I got over to them, I, too, froze in my tracks, gaze locked onto the giant mountain building we had encountered. Before I could even think, I ran over to the building, Sam following close behind. "You see the size of this?" I asked, astonished, taking in every detail of this place. "Spectacular." Skids commented as he, Mudflap and Bumblebee turned the corner. "Amazing." Simmons agreed as we all ran to the giant entrance. Although we had to climb in, we soon were all inside and it was such a big room that even the Autobots could join us. "It's here somewhere, guys." Sam spoke up, looking at every wall, trying to find the Matrix. Unfortunately for us, none of us could find anything unusual. I looked around the room several times and all I could see that stood out was the old painting on one of the walls. "Yeah, why?" Leo asked, sounding really doubtful. "'Cause we're trusting Grandpa Blackbird who doesn't even know what planet he's on?" I gave Leo a slight glare, "His name is Jetfire.", "And in his defence, this is the biggest doorway I've ever seen in my entire life." Simmons backed up. Leo rolled his eyes and sighed, "Okay. Well, that's great. Let me do a quick search, all right?" He took a quick spin around himself, looking back at me and Simmons. "Uh, nope. Ever cross your mind, guys, that archaeologists have been here before? There's nothing here." My glare on him intensified. "Well, if you knew that already, why did you bother joining us?" I growled walking over to him to punch him, but Simmons stepped between us, his back turned to me. "Real life is heartbreaking, despair, kid. Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow and the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it!" Simmons yelled at Leo, but he just scoffed. "I'm listening to you? You live with your mother!" Leo snapped back. "And yet, you were the one to recommend us to go to him for help!" Before I could walk around Simmons to slap Leo, Bumblebee saved the situation by gently lifting me up and putting me down a few feet away from them. "It's not over." Sam mumbled, looking over all of us. "It is over. It's done." Leo argued back. "Why are we still listening to you, little punk-ass?" Mudflap asked, turning to Sam. "I mean, what you ever done for us except ding my rim.", "Killed Megatron. How about that? And, gotten with Bumblebee." Skids replied to his brother, immediately making me blush, even though now wasn't the right time to get flustered. "Well, he didn't get the job done, you know what I mean, 'cause he's back now... And Bee was the one to make the move!" Mudflap yelled approaching his brother. "You scared?" Skids mocked his brother. "Scared? Scared of your ugly face!" Mudflap snapped, hitting Skids. "I'm ugly? Well, we're twins, you stupid genius!" Skids snapped, jumping onto Mudflap. "Bring it, the! Get off me!", "I'll change your face around!" "I'll get all up in that ass!", "Bring it!" They punched, threw and tackled each other, but Skids got a good grip on his brother and threw Mudflap into the painted wall, where Sam had just been standing. "Bumblebee!" I yelled, tired of their bickering. Bumblebee got to action and caught the twins in each hand, just as he had earlier, only this time, he seemed to be done with them as well as he smashed them into each other before throwing them both outside.

"Thank you." I sighed and he gave me a thumbs up. Sam ran back to the wall and I noticed the crack the twins had managed to make. Simmons walked over to Sam and helped him rip off the loose pieces. They had gotten the last piece off just as I approached and what we saw inside made my heart leap. Inside was metal digits and they all had the same markings as Sam had carved out. "Oh, my god. The symbols." Sam gasped as he traced them. "It was real." I whispered, shock and hope taking my voice away for a second. "Bee!" Sam yelled looking over to him. "Shoot it." He ordered and Bumblebee readied his canon as we all ran for cover, not sure what would happen. We soon ran back to the hole to see it was big enough for all of us to get in through. "Oh, my god." Was all that I could think of as we all slowly and carefully climbed inside.

We had found...

The tomb of the Primes

Bumblebee x (female) reader - Revenge Of The FallenWhere stories live. Discover now