Chapter Thirteen - I'm Much Worse

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We laugh it off not even caring. I have a grave though...not a lot of people can say that.

"Here lies Laurella Rossetti. She ain't dead yet so fuck off." I joke as he laughs.

"Can I actually have that?"

"I mean sure but just know anyone who walks past would be in tears cuz it's a fucking cemetery."

"Good point." I grin.

"Hey Leonardo?"

"Call me Leo." He replies chuckling.

"Oh you think you'll ever tell me who's Isabella?" I ask as he ran his fingers through his hair.

He sighed before starting. "Isabella Armano. When I was 12 we got paired for an assignment. I was happy...because in school I was the kid who wore glasses, I didn't need them but I wore them as a shield. I felt safer with them. I was a nerd. I liked her, everyone like her in fact.

She was the popular girl, almost every boy was drooling over her. That night when we were working on it she took my glasses and ran with it to test if I could see without it...i ran after her and that's when she realized I didn't need them. Then one thing led to another and we kissed. My first fucking kiss was with her.

We started dating. Everything went well...she was the only one who knew I didn't need my glasses. We dated for three years until my 14th birthday. She broke up with me. Turns out, she just dated me to work, answers for tests, just so she wouldn't have to do anything. I was so naive that I fell for it. And three days later that's when Tyler...what should I say now? Kidnapped?"

We laugh a little at that last part. I could only imagine what he just have gone through though.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why? It's not your fault."

" must have been hard."

"But I eventually got over it. People think I'm heartbroken cuz of that...i mean I am given the fact that I loved her, it sounds kinda stupid because I was too small to know what love was. But...what no one knows is...after taking over the mafia yes I became ruthless, that's because I refused to trust anyone.

When I turned 16 a met this girl at a coffee shop. By then I changed, I didn't wear glasses anymore, I was home schooled when I took over the mafia.

We secretly dated because I didn't want her life to be in danger. She too...left me broken. Only used me for my money. The problem with me was, when I fall in love with a girl...i give her my life. Because she's the girl I'd want to spend the rest of my life with. That's why it's scary for me now...i have the fear that they'd use me for the money I have or for my last name..."

"Thank you for telling me...but I want you to know. Not all girls are the same." I say smiling and walking into the room.

"Then prove me wrong..." I heard him say softly as I turn around to find him waking up and walking towards me

"Go out with me..." I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Are you sure this isn't the alcohol talking?" I ask chuckling just to make sure this was even real.

"I never get drunk to a point where I forget everything the next morning...I know my limits."

"So...? Will you finally be mine?" He takes a few steps closer. "Will you be deaths life..?"

I took a minute to think. I was happy...he did feel the same way. But I'm also terrified. Will he eventually get bored of me? I mean I know we're married but it's not real. Would be date me to am extent till we fall in love? Because when you love someone you'll want to spend the rest of your life with them. So is this what I want?

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