Chapter Sixteen - I Want It

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o l i v i a
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"Morning love." He says pulling me closer into his strong arms.

I sigh deeply "we should really tell Laura about us..." 

I can't keep this a secret from her. Caleb and I have always like each other, he asked me to be his girlfriend a few days ago and I said yes without hesitation. It's just that seeing him again after so long made me realize I still had feelings for him. We've been keeping it a secret and so far so good. But she has to know, Caleb is one of her closest friends.

"I know..." He replies softly.

"How bout today?" I ask turning my head to him.


"I wove you." I say in a baby voice as he chuckles.

"I love you to." He kisses my cheek.

We took a shower together and went down for breakfast when Caleb got a call.

"Tyler? What's up?" He answered.

"No fucking way bro." He says through with a smile.

"We'll be there later." He hangs up.

"What?" I ask with a little smile.

"Tyler got a girlfriend and Leo and Laura are having another wedding. Their freaking dating and he even proposed to her!!"

"Oh my god!"

"I can't believe it. I knew they were perfect for each other."

"I'm so happy for them."

Later on we got dressed and went to see them. Dad was there and even Leonardo's parents. I couldn't find Laura anywhere. I was planning to tell her tonight. Caleb went to Leonardo and Tyler in the meantime.

"Hey dad have you seen Laura?"

"Huh? Oh yes she's in the kitchen."

"Laura?" I ask. She turns around and gives me the brightest smile. Stephanie was right, she does have a smile that lights up the world. She walked to me and gave me a hug. I'm proud to call her my sister..

"Your getting married...again!!" I say out of excitement.

"I know right, I didn't think I'd find love again but I'm happy. Even Tyler got a girlfriend which I don't even know when I'm going to meet." She said laughing a little "anyway, whatcha been up to?" She asks.

I inhale deeply before answering. I hope this news doesn't ruin her day.

"Laura...theres something I have to tell you.."

"What's up?"

"Uhm...caleb and I...we're dating.." She smiles even wider making me slightly confused.

"I knew it! I always knew yourll would get to be here someday."

"Wait your not mad?"

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