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"So that's how you feel about us, mamà? That's how you see us?" Nat went on snapping on my moms as we all sat crowded in the living room.

"I'm not dark-skinned but I'm black, am I ugly too?"

"Shit, we all look like daddy. So how do you feel about us?" She went on saying as I smoked my blunt, trying to smoke this shit away.

A nigga was drained.

Today had went the worst possible way it could have and I just wanted this shit to be over already.

"Your father was dark and a demon, who left me broken."

"She's going to do the same thing to you, Giovanni."

"I don't like her and there's nothing you can say to me about it." My moms went on, not changing her views as all as she held ice against her eye.

"Pause. What is you sayin' ?" I spoke up, listening to her dumb ass words.

"Seriously. Like do you hear yourself, mamá?"

"Did you really even just say that?" Nat went on, completely irritated now.

"Daddy did not leave you, he passed away!" She snapped out as my moms shot a look at her.

"You don't tell me anything." She spat, taking her shoe off and roughly throwing it at her.

"He left me!"

"..with five kids!"

"Those darks are evil and I will never trust them." She went on, sounding stupid as hell now and I scoffed to myself, blowing smoke into the air.

"This shit is crazy as fuck, bro." Teo shook his head as he grabbed his girl and they stood to their feet to leave.

I knew he was ready to get the fuck out of dodge and away from all of this. And I was too. This shit had me on ten right now but I needed to calm myself down first before I made my next move.

"Yo. I'm out, bro."

"I don't know what the fuck about to happen but just make sure yo' girl straight." He ended up dapping me up and I nodded, blowing smoke from my nose.

"I'm bout' to." I admitted, considering as soon as I got done with this blunt and handling shit with my moms, I was going to make my way over to her.

I needed to see my baby. I couldn't let her sleep alone tonight.

"Stay safe, nigga." He told me before leaving completely and both Ant and Raf did the same, grabbing Isabella before they ended up leaving too.

"Keep your head up, bro." They said to me before they left completely and the room went silent as me, Nat and a sleeping Maribel looked at my moms.

"Gon' and take her upstairs, Nat." I spoke seriously to her, not even looking her way as I blew smoke into the air.

I was about to handle this shit and I was done playing games. I'd been holding my tongue long enough but now this shit was personal.

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