Discussion Board

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I think I want to do these at the end of all my books now. I did it for 444 and loved it.

So here it goes.

There are so many views and feelings about the characters, the way they acted and just the book as a whole.

Feel free to comment your opinion below.

- What characters did you love?

- What characters did you hate?

- Do you think Giovanni was wrong for lying to Madison for seven years?

- Do you think Madison was wrong for the way she reacted?

- Do you think Ms. Lucia's actions were forgivable?

- Do you think Madison was being naive to forgive Ms. Lucia despite what she'd done?

- Have you ever been in a situation where you've been judged for your skin color?

- If you were in Madison's position, what would you have done?

- Should there be a sequel?🤨

Feel free to comment anything you like or anything you feel. These are just questions to get the conversation started.

p.s. I'll be replying to some of you.


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