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"I'm calling for your mom." I spoke into the phone, feeling weird when I did but I knew it was time that this happened.

"Oh, my mamá?" She asked in shock and I nodded as if she could see me.

"She's not here right now but she's been asking to call you for a while now."

"She asked me for your number yesterday but Gi said not to give it to her because you didn't want to talk her at all." She went on explaining.

"I mean, that's expected so I didn't know if he was lying or not."

"Yeah, well, that's just how he feels but I feel like we really should talk, Nat." I went on, explaining to her my feelings.

There was no point in holding on to this. It'd been a month since the game, time had passed and I didn't care about the bullshit anymore.

I had other things to worry about and this was something I wanted to get off of my mind.


"And I think the two of you should talk, boo."

"It was crazy what she did and I don't agreed with it but it's only so much I can say. I think you voicing to her how she made you feel would be better for her to understand."

"Then you can get your closure too." She went on saying and I nodded.

"See, Nat. It's like you're the only one who understands."

"Everybody else wants to hold this grudge but for what?" I pointed to myself.

"If anything, it'll be eating me up inside, always wondering why instead of just sitting down and talking to the women."

"That's what I wanted to do in the first place." I communicated and I could hear Maribel in the background, talking loudly.

"Right. I get you."  She agreed, shooing Mari off in the process.

"How about I just give her your number and have her call you then y'all can just talk that way."

"I think that would be best considering Giovanni's big ass will probably never agree to this so y'all sitting face to face or anything wouldn't work."

"Right." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"I'll just tell her you're ready to talk and I'll give her your number and I'll also send you her number so when she calls, you can know it's her." She went on saying and I nodded in complete agreement.

"Okay, cool."

"Thanks, Nat."

"Anytime, sis."


1 month later

Pulling up to work, I looked at myself in my rear view mirror. My face couldn't even hold the serious look I was trying to keep together, I was way too happy not to smile right now.

"Aw shit." I heard Gi's muffled voice as I looked to the left of me, seeing him pull up right beside me in the hospitals parking lot.

Rolling down my window, I smiled at him as he had his window rolled down, hyping me up.

"Damn you look good in that Kia, shawty." He went on saying with a smile and I sassily flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"Oh this old thing?" I faked like I didn't just get it off the lot, making us both laugh.

Cutting the engine to the both of our cars, I watched as he stepped out of his while I stepped out of mine, making our way over to one another.

"I'm so proud of you, mamí." He told me for the millionth time today as I looked up into his eyes with a smile.

"Thank you." I thanked him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he bent down to kiss my lips.

I couldn't contain my happiness, realizing I'd finally accomplished everything I'd wanted. I had my man, I had my raise, I'd finally gotten my car and we had finally moved in to the apartment of our dreams.


"Always, baby." He assured as we let each other go and walked hand and hand into the hospital.

As we did, we took our time going through the metal detectors before we made our way in successfully.

"Good morning, Mr. Santana." A group of nurses spoke with large smiles as usual and he did his signature hello.

"Good mornin', ladies." He spoke politely and I smacked my lips to myself as we made our way.

"Yo' ass be jealous every time." He went on, laughing at me and I joking rolled my eyes .

"Whatever, annoying."

"I'll see you later." I told him as we kissed one last time before we parted ways.

"At home." He assured walking down the hall way and my heart exploded, listening to him say those words.

"Okay." I spoke shyly, trying to hide my happiness as we walked opposite ways and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

This new place, the new life we were building, it all felt so new. The love was always there but the nervousness I felt around him and being in our new place, it all felt so new.

And I loved it.

Breaking me away from my happy thoughts, my phone rang as I quickly grabbed for it to see who it was. When I did, I saw Ms. Lucia's name flash across from me saving her number a few weeks back.

"Hello." I answered softly, putting my phone to my ear.

"Hola, Madison."

"How are you, bebé?"  She went on asking and I smiled to myself, looking down at the floor.

"I'm fine." I said to her, just happy that we were in this new level now.

"Me and Gi just got to work." I expressed to her, letting her know what was going on at the moment.

"Okay, great."

"Have you had the chance to talk to Gi?" She went on asking me and I sighed deeply, closing my eyes.

"No, not yet." I told her, thinking about the conversation we'd had just last night.

We had plenty of talks and a few weeks back, on our very one, she'd apologized to me and told me that she'd never meant to take her anger out on me. She was just going through things from the loss of her husband, Gi's dad.

And I was able to empathize even though she'd crushed my spirit but she'd owned up to her wrongs and apologized to me and I was healed completely now and living my best life.

I didn't have any hate in my heart for her and she didn't have any hate in her heart for me, from what I've hear so now she'd wanted the same from Gi.

She'd wanted me to talk to him and explain everything so that he would drop his grudge with her.

But that was going to be difficult. No one was team her but the person she'd hurt.

I guess that's just how things go.




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