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Epilogue soon


Sitting in my car, I calmly smoked my blunt while I held Madison's phone in my hand. She'd just went in the house but I made sure to grab that shit before she did. I wasn't no dumb nigga and she knew that but I was giving her the benefit of the doubt because I knew she wouldn't test a nigga on no cheating shit.

Nah. I thought to myself, debating if I wanted to go through this shit.

I never went through my shawty phone because I ain't have no reason to. Her scary ass knew not to fuck with me and everybody knew she was mine. But the way she was acting, the way she got up for this shit..

I knew in the back of my mind something was up.

Looking down at it, I looked at the lock screen seeing a Polaroid picture of us and I nodded to myself before unlocking her shit.

It was her birthday and I'd seen her put the password in plenty of times, so it wasn't hard to figure out.

Once I got into it, I instantly went to her missed calls because I wanted to know who was calling. She claimed it was nobody so I wanted to know who the fuck nobody was.

Stopping in my tracks as I scrolled her missed calls, I screwed my face up, seeing my mama's name all up and down the call log. Meaning she'd been talking and communicating with my moms and a for a long ass time too.

"The fuck?" I said to myself, putting my blunt out as I began scrolling, seeing more and more of my moms and I instantly knew this was what she was hiding.

Obviously my moms had ended up calling her after I told Nat not to give her number and Madison had been talking to her and lying to me for however long about all that shit.

"Aight." I nodded my head, throwing her phone down into the cup holder as I chuckled angrily to myself.

Sitting up, I yanked at my keys as I turned my car off. I was hot, I couldn't even think straight in this moment.

After everything we'd been through these past couple of months, her leaving me and telling me that she wanted to break up, to her bleaching her fucking skin, to me almost quitting my job over the shit.

Shawty  had me all the way fucked up and shit was about to be up with her.

Real shit.



Undressing myself, I ran the shower water as I sat down, trying to get my life together.

I'd thrown up again from Gi's weed smell and I'd brushed my teeth twice afterwards. Now I was just waiting for the water to get hot enough so I could just relax.

That's all that I wanted right about now.

It didn't take long for my water to get hot, once it did, the entire bathroom steamed up and I stood to my feet, taking my time to get in.

"Yes." I dragged softly, letting the shower water run down onto my body as the heat instantly made my bones relax.

My mind ran a mile a minute thinking about why I could be so sick like this. I figured I was just sick to my stomach about having to tell Gio but this was different. I was throwing up way too much for it to be just that.

Closing my eyes, I pushed my hair out of the way as I brushed my thoughts off for a moment. I let my mind go completely blank so I could relax in entirety.

That didn't last long though.

I popped my eyes open and I jumped hard as the shower curtain was roughly pulled back. I quickly covered my chest, seeing Gi's tall figure standing there before I calmed myself.

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