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"Skin bleaching?" He squinted his eyes, looking down at the label.

"Bro." He slowly looked up into my eyes while I looked into his with more tears welding in mine.

"Is you fuckin' serious?"

"Stop, Gi." I whined to him, leaning in to grab it from him but he roughly pulled it away from me, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Yo, Madison."

"I know you ain't-" He started but stopped.

"Bro." He chuckled to himself angrily, looking down at the cream again.

"Stop it and give it to me." I pleaded before I quickly grabbed it from him and snatched it away.

"Yo." He tucked his lips.

"Com'ere." He spoke sternly as I turned on my heels to walk away. I knew he was about to snap on me like I'd just did him and I wasn't prepared for it.

"Madison." He spat as I now ran toward my house, listening as he turned his car off.

"Aight." I heard him say as I stopped to look back, watching as his tall figure got out of the car and slammed his door shut.

Dashing into the house now, I closed and locked the door behind me as I looked around seeing neither my mom or dad in the living room.

"Oh my god." I stressed, realizing I was here all alone and I couldn't make them stop him.

I stood there for a while with my back against the door, scared out of my mind for what was about to happen.

Just talk to him. I thought to myself but I couldn't face him right now, I was too embarrassed.

This was embarrassing and I knew he wouldn't be okay with it. Especially after everything I'd went through today and then me cursing him out for making stupid decisions.

Now here I was showing him that I was doing the exact same.

"Madison!" I heard, making me jump hard as banging came to the front door now and I moved away from it completely.


"Stop it, Giovanni." I spoke quietly, cutting him off as he began banging again.


"Fuck whatchu talkin' bout."

"Open the fuckin' door, blood."

"You just lost your fuckin' mind."

"You fuckin' bleachin' yourself?!" He went on screaming at me as his deep voice boomed through the door.

"Stop." I whined to him, just wanting him to stop.

"Baby, you-" He started but stopped, getting himself together. Going completely quiet.

"Man, open this fuckin' door." He started again.

"Now." He spat, banging hard but I was not listening to him.

Quickly deciding, I dropped my bags and ran upstairs toward the bathroom.

I needed to get rid of this mess.

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