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Harry Potter, Master of Death, after years of watching the world go on its self inflicted destruction, is ultimately bored and done with his original dimension.

And so he turns to another dimension and to his surprise, it's another world with an uncanny resemblance and near replica of his original dimension.

Except— Harry Potter is Holly Potter. The Girl-Who-Lived.

And thus, Harry makes up a new identity (posing as James Potter's cousin) and adopts his female counterpart without alerting anyone— just because he could.


Holly Potter watched glumly through the crack of her cupboard door, her aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon were currently showering her bratty cousin, Dudley with Christmas presents.

The five year old child watched sadly and wistful, wishing she was the one being showered with love.

Except she wasn't.

Holly curled up into a ball and continued to watch, not noticing silent tears running down her face.

Like always, she alone in her cupboard with no one to keep her company except for the occasional spider.

Holly cried herself to sleep feeling incredibly lonely.


Harry watched on curiously, he remembered this memory except all he felt was resign and sadness; but then again– girls tend to be more emotionally aware on how others perceive them.

So having relatives that despise you can easily draw the poor girl into tears.

What a pitiful sight.

Dressed in a muggle suit and looking incredibly cold, Harry knocked on the door of #4 Privet Drive.

Petunia finally answered on the third knock, Harry felt his eye twitch.

"What do you want?" Petunia asked rudely.

"Are you Petunia Dursley?" He questioned, just for the sake of acting.

"Yes that's me. What is it? On with it, I don't have time for any pitch sales." Petunia replied in irritation.

"It's about the guardianship of one, Holly Potter—" Petunia gasped.

"Who are you?! You wizard! Get out! Get out! Your kind is not welcomed here!" She screeched trying to shut the door.

Harry easily held the door in place and gave a rapidly paling Petunia a chilling smile.

"Why don't we go inside, we wouldn't want to alert the neighbors... now would we?" He whispered the last part coldly.

His hazel eyes turned a cold emerald green that promised death if denied.

Petunia couldn't opened the door fast enough as she beckoned him to the dining table.

"Petunia! Who's at the door—YOU! Get out of my house!" Vernon snarled at Harry who casually froze the walrus. Dudley watched with wide eyes before he screamed.

Harry winced at the high pitched scream and froze him too, Petunia who was going to scream at the sight of her frozen family– stopped when chilling eyes promised her pain if she dared to continue.

"W-What do you want?!" She stuttered.

Harry snapped his fingers, documents appeared right in front of her along with a pen.

"Sign these documents and I'll be on my merry way."

Petunia cautiously picked up the documents and read them, "Custody Transfer... you want that girl? All THIS! For that girl? Take her and get out! I didn't want her anyways, who cares what that old senile man wants. I'll sign these but promise you'll never return her here."

Harry let out a cruel smile, "I, Cepheus Harrison Potter, promise that Holly Jamie Potter will never under any circumstances return under the guardianship of Petunia Dursley, mote to be."

A white glow signified that the oath was made.

Petunia signed all the documents and only slightly winced when she signed her name in blood.

"Wait here. Don't touch anything! I'll get the girl." Petunia sneered as she passed over the documents and stormed to get the girl.


Holly woke up with a startled gasp when her cupboard door slammed open and her aunt Petunia forcefully pulled her out.

"Listen here you wretched girl, your other relative came for you. From now on I'm not your aunt, got it?" Petunia hissed.

Holly nodded wide-eyed. "Got it aun–Mrs. Dursley."

Petunia gave her a cold smile. "Good. Come."

Holly held in her wince as her aunt basically dragged her into the dinning room where a man sat.

"Here's the girl, now get out!" Petunia yelled before stalking out of the room.

Holly blinked and blinked. The man smiled gently at her as he kneeled down to her level and stuck out a hand.

"How do you do? I'm Cepheus Potter, but you can call me Uncle Harry."

Holly glanced at his kind face and then towards his outreach hand a few times before grasping the much larger hand with her small chubby hand.

"I'm Holly Potter, nice to meet you... Uncle Harry." Holly blushed in worry.

The man, uncle Harry, chuckled. "Let's go to your new home." Holly let out a little squeak when he held her in his arms.

She wiggled around a bit, unused to such action, before finally settling down and relaxing in the comfortable warm arms, unaware as she blissfully fell asleep.

Harry chuckled at the adorable little girl and smoothly flickered to his house.

Well...would you look at that? He's a father now.

A/N: We need more Older Harry raising his younger self fanfiction!!! I made one because there wasn't anymore to read!
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