Harry Potter, Master of Death, after years of watching the world go on its self inflicted destruction, is ultimately bored and done with his original dimension.
And so he turns to another dimension and to his surprise, it's another world with an unc...
Harry blatantly ignored the high pitch squeals and loud barking as he read the Daily Profit.
Huh? No news on Sirius Black's escape, then again. If the magical mass knew that a prisoner was able to escape from Azkaban (a nearly impossible prison to escape) then the mass would surely panic and an uproar would breakout.
Keeping quiet (for now) was a smart choice.
"Master Cepheus, it's my last week until my dismissal. Have you found a replacement yet?" Frederick asked Harry who sighed loudly.
"No..." he grumbled. Frederick looked pointedly at his hopeless lord.
"I knew this would happen, I put in an ad on the Daily Prophet– it's on the back." Harry flipped to the last page, and there it was.
Frederick continued. "Gringotts will allow you to use one of their meeting room for you to conduct the interviews. So please be on your best behavior Master Cepheus."
Not saying anything, Harry nodded absentmindedly as Frederick wordlessly dismissed himself.
Harry sighed once again. It was such a pity that Frederick was leaving. But nevertheless, Harry blessed his upcoming marriage to his muggleborn fiancée.
Remus Lupin silently cursed his luck, he has gotten fired last night when his employer found out about his werewolf status. Worst part is, he didn't even receive his last paycheck.
He ended up working for free for a whole two weeks!
He flipped through the Daily Prophet, not that he could afford to splurge on the garbage newspaper. Siri–that man, had bought him a ten year subscription for the said newspaper.
And a part of him was thankful since he had no other way to be up to date on wizarding news.
He quietly flipped through the newspaper and started to read the back page for any job listings.
Potions experiment tester— no thanks.
Librarian? Maybe.
Personal assistant.... Remus circled that one. The pay was good, so where the hours from 7:00am to 9:30pm everyday but Sunday's (which was no work).
The interview was... TOMORROW!
Remus quickly headed to Gringotts to put in his recommendation. And if his recommendation got forwarded... then that would be more than great.
Now all he had to do was wait.
Harry skimmed through the rather thick stack of potential interviewees and easily dismissed half in one go.
He didn't need a PA with anger issues and lack of conduct and manners. As Lord Potter, he had an image to uphold.
A knock sounded in the quiet study. "Come in." He answered.
"Master Cepheus, a late profile has arrived." Frederick dutifully reports.
Harry set down the other profiles and held out a hand, "hand it over then."
Frederick handed it over along with a calming cup of tea before leaving as Harry dismissed him.
Once the door shut with a soft click, Harry lifted the report to read.
It was a good thing he swallowed his tea or else he would have started to choke but that didn't stop his eyes from briefly widening in pleasant surprise.
Remus Lupin.
His mouth curled up into a humored smirk. Well then.
They even listed his werewolf status, how honest.
Remus Lupin, along with five other potential interviewees all sat quietly outside the meeting room awaiting their turn.
An interviewee left the meeting room looking like a wreck and easily made the ones yet to be interviewed nervous.
One by one they all left looking the same, and finally the last to be interviewed. Remus was finally called up by Sir Frederick into the meeting room.
He greeted his (possible) future employer with the respect reserved for lords and higher ups as Lord Potter was and gained an approving nod in return.
His nerves were sky high.
"So tell me... why should I hire you?" Harry started.
Remus confidently answered even though he was internally a nervous wreak.
Ten minutes later, Harry was left pleased. "One last question, do you have something you wish to declare?"
Remus hesitated mentioning his werewolf status but if he didn't tell him now then it would end up as another repeat of his former job.
"I'm a werewolf." He announced breathlessly, knowing he would be quickly shot down.
He waited. Prepared to be turned down.
"You're hired." Remus's head snapped up. Harry thought for sure the werewolf cracked his neck from the shear speed.
Remus couldn't help but to ask. "Why?"
Harry chuckled, "Why what? You answered me honestly. You noticed how the previous interviewees left looking dejected?" Remus nodded.
A dark smile pulled at his lips. "They all lied to me. I can't have my own personal assistant lie to me, now would I?"
And that is how Remus Lupin the werewolf got hired by Lord Potter.
*** A/N: Remus during the interview: Remus:
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