Harry Potter, Master of Death, after years of watching the world go on its self inflicted destruction, is ultimately bored and done with his original dimension.
And so he turns to another dimension and to his surprise, it's another world with an unc...
Reading was a thing that Cepheus and Holly bonded with together, Remus also read stories to Holly but Holly was biased and still preferred her daddy's voice.
One evening after school and private tutoring, Holly picked a random book and started to read (even though she didn't understand some of the "big" words).
Severus Snape, she decided was her idol. He was a genius when it came to potions.
For some reason though, whenever she said his name near Padfoot he would start to aggressively bark. Holly assumed he was jealous.
Sirius couldn't believe the betrayal he felt at that very moment. His goddaughter's idol was... Snivellus?!
Oh the pain! He doggy cried unashamedly while his "owner" snickered in mirth at his dilemma.
He was sirius! How could he go on! He continued to dramatically sob as Holly patted him bewildered, giving her daddy a confused look.
Harry made sure to capture the moment on film.
Remus was away to recover from his furry problem and there was no way Harry was leaving Padfoot in charge of Holly for a few hours (even with the house elves there) so he decided to bundle her up and take her along.
"Don't let go of my hand. There's a lot of dangerous things and I don't want you to get hurt, okay?" Harry told his daughter.
Holly nodded, "yessss daddy."
Harry held her in his arms and "apparated" near the entrance of Diagon Alley.
Holly looked around in wonder, no matter how many times she visited which was only a handful of times, it never took away the "awesomeness".
Harry held her little hand as he slowly led her to apothecary, allowing her to look around at the passing shops.
A few times he had to gently tug her forwards to get her to continue walking every time she stopped in her tracks to gaze at something that fascinated her.
"Welcome." The clerk automatically greeted them as they walked into the shop.
Harry beelined toward the migraine-reliever potions and nearly cleaned out the whole shelf.
Meanwhile, Holly stared at the tall dark haired man unblinkingly.
It was him. Her idol. Severus Snape.
Severus Snape stared back at the child unamused. If she mentions something about his nose....
Holly was curious about the dark and scary looking man (ahem... her idol) and can't help but to keep peeping at him from behind her father's legs.
Severus notices and sneers at her, but unexpectedly she doesn't scatter away screaming.
What was wrong with this child? Severus gives her one of his "professor" glares and still no reaction.
....was her eyes sparkling.... he questioned the mental state of this child.
He glance at (who assumed was her father) and looked unimpressed at the almost empty shelf at migraine-relievers.
"Let's go Holly." He heard the man say as he paid.
"Thank you, come again Lord Potter."
Severus's eyes wavered briefly, Lord Potter... then was that little girl.... Holly Potter, the girl-who-lived.
No, it can't be. Dumbledore sent that girl off with her muggle relatives.
When they left, Severus overheard what she says to her father. "He's so scary and awesome, the real life Severus Snape!"
Unexpectedly he managed to get a little fan.
*** A/N:
Severus: What is wrong with that child...
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