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"Thoughts and thinking."


'Action or sound'


Yang: "Heloooooooooo?"

Then a black blur crossed the bushes

Yang: "Is anybody out there? Heloooooooooooooooo? I'm getting bored here."

A bush behind yang suddenly make a noise

Yang: "Is someone there?"

She walked towards the pushed and look inside it.

Yang: "Ruby is that you?"

Then suddenly a beast snarled.

Yang: "Nope."

Yang dodge and rolls to the left and the other ursa pounce out of the bushed. It ran towards her, but yang dodges again to the right. Then another one appeared and charge at yang.

Yang: "Ah!"

Yang punched the Ursa in the stomach launching it towards a tree and crashed. Then the Ursa from before charging at yang, yang uppercut the Ursa, and a sidekick at the stomach.

Yang: "You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood would you?"

Both Ursa: "Growls"

Yang: "You could just say no!"

The Ursa at the right charge at yang try to swipe her with its huge paws but yang dodge again.

Yang: "Hyuh!"

And backflip on an upcoming swing from the Ursa.

Yang: "Aah! HAHAHAHAHA. Gees you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba--"

Then yang sees a strand of her hair falling down.

Yang: "'Sighs' You..."

Yang closed her eyes and she opened it her irises were now red.

Both Ursa: "'Gruntle confused'"

Yang: "You monster!"


Yang launched herself towards the Ursa and beat them up until their dead, but the other one survived and walked towards yang slowly and get in its high legs overshadowing yang.

Yang: "What you want some too?!"

Ursa: "'Growls'"

'Whooooooosh, slice'

Then the Ursa falls down and yang sees blake behind it with her weapon stab at its back.

Yang: "I could have taken him."

Then to their right, another bush made a noise and came out a deathstalker but they heard another noise coming behind the deathstalker.





A right arm suddenly picks up the stalker's tail.


Then a left arm comes out and sliced the stalker's tail off.

Deathstalker: 'screech in pain' 

A giant metal foot land on the stalker's giant left claws and the left-hand grab where the stalker's neck. It lifts up the stalker exposing its unprotected side and the right arm with the stalker stinger on hand stab the stalker. After the last dying breath of the stalker, the mech comes out showing Crimson guard. 

Crimson Guard: "Are you girls all right?"

Yang: "Yeah we're fine."

Blake nodded.

Crimson guard: "The names (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N), but when I'm inside the mech you can call me Crimson guard or crimson for short."

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