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"Thoughts and thinking."


'Action or sound'


We see Ozpin drinking his coffee near the cliff and Glynda walking towards him while checking her scroll footage of the future students.

Glynda: "Our last pair has been formed, sir."

She swipes some screens and clicks on the footage of Ren and Nora.

Glynda: "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along."

She clicks on another screen of footage of Pyyrha and Jaune.

Glynda: "Still, he's probably better off than Ms. Nikos".

Ozpin: "Hmm..."

Glynda: "I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat."


Glynda: "I guess we'll find out soon enough."

She turns off her scroll and walked away from Ozpin.

Glynda: "At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes."

She turned around Ozpin.

Glynda: "Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?... Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Hmm..."

His with his scroll watching a footage of Ruby sitting picking up leaves while Weiss walking around back and forth contemplating which directions to go.






We see Blake, Yang, and Crimson walking out of a clearing to see a.

We see Blake, Yang, and Crimson walking out of a clearing to see a

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Yang: "Think this is it, guys?"

Crimson Guard: "It might be, cause I see small things laying on the podium might be the relics that professor was wanting us to get."

Blake silently nodded and walked towards the ruins.

We walked towards the ruin to see a podium with chess pieces

Blake: "Chess pieces? Ha..."

Yang: "Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first one here."

Blake: "Well... I guess we should pick one."

Yang started to walk one of the podiums with a knight chess piece on top of it.

Yang: "Hmm..."

Then she grabbed it.

Yang: "How about a cute little pony?"

Blake: "Sure."

Crimson Guard: "A knight... You know Yang you suit to be a rook since you know you're a heavy heater but whatever."

We walked and meet up in the middle.

Yang: "That wasn't too hard."

Blake: "Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find."

Then we suddenly heard a scream.

Yang: "Some girl is in trouble!"

Crimson Guard: "It likes my scream when I did not hit puberty yet."

Both girls snorted.

Yang: "Their another scream you guys hear that?.... What should we do?"

Ruby: "Heads up!"

We looked up and we see Ruby falling then suddenly out of nowhere Juanne appeared and collided with Ruby. And they both crashed into a tree.

Blake: "Did your sister just fall from the sky?"

Yang: "I-"


Am Ursa suddenly comes out of the forest and a pick explosion appeared at its back.

Nora: "Yeehaw!"

The Ursa crashed and laid dead.

Nora: "Aww. It's broken."

She speeds up toward the fallen grim and stands on top of it. Another figure came of behind the grim.

Ren: "Nora! 'Inhale exhale' Please... Don't ever do that again."


Ren looked around to see Nora gone.

Nora: "Ooooooooooo..."

Then Nora grabs the Rook piece then she sings.

Nora: "~I'm Queen of the castle~ I'm Queen of the castle!"

Ren: "NORA!!"

Nora: "Hehehe, coming Ren!"

Nora saluted and walked happily towards Ren.

Blake: "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?"

Yang: "I-"

Another screech, then a Deathstalker coming out of the forest chasing Pyra

Pyrrha: "Jeanne!"

Ruby came down the tree, she tried to hug her half-sister but was interrupted by Nora between them.

Nora: "NORA!"

Blake: "Did she just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?"

Yang: "Grrrr! I. Can't. Take it anymore! Can every was just chill for a second before something crazy happens again?"

She felt something patted her shoulders she glanced at her side seeing Crimson finger patting her.






Ruby: "Um... Yang?

We heard another screech we saw a Nevermore and on the talon of it was weiss screaming towards Ruby.

Ruby: "I said 'jump' not hold on to it..."

Blake: "She's gonna fall."

Ruby: "She'll be fine."

Ren: "She's falling."

I ran and managed to catch Weiss in my arm.

Crimson Guard: "Sorry bro I didn't manage to catch you."

While a deathstalker chasing Pyrrha in the background.


I looked behind me seeing another Deathstalker

Crimson Guard: "'Sign' might as well deal with the stalkers."

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