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"Thoughts and thinking."


'Action or sound'


The next day I woke up early folded up my collapsable bed then do my daily routine before class starts. Take a bath, eat breakfast, go to my personal hanger then go to class.


Peter: "Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as prey. Hu-hah! Haha."

Peter continued telling some stories I look to my right seeing ruby being ruby and Weiss ganna literally explode because of ruby's behavior. 

Peter: "So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss's hands shoot upwards

Weiss: "I do sir!"

Peter: "Well then, let's find out. Step forwards, and face your opponent."

Peter looked to his right a cage rumble and growls coming out of it.

Weiss got up go to the changing rooms and come out on her combat clothes.

Yang: "Goo Weiss!"

Blake: "Fight well!"

Ruby: "Yeah, represent teeeam RWBY!"

(Y/N): "Wooo Yeah go Icequeen." With a sarcastic tone after that, I bang my head into the table. 

Weiss: "Ruby, I'm trying to focus.

Ruby: "Oh, sorry."

(Y/N): "Hey."

Ruby looked at me with a sad smile.

(Y/N): "Don't worry about it too much ok?"

Ruby smiled brightly.

(Y/N): "Goddam to bright she so innocent aaaaaaaaaaaaaand my heart beat's with a dash of butterflies on my stomach... Shit, well maybe this is my chance to have a girlfriend since my past life I didn't get any girl at aaaaaaaaaaaaaall."  

Peter: "Alright. Let the match, begin."

Peter used his weapon to break the lock on the cage then the cage door goes down and inside is a wild boar but a grimm version. 

It growls then charge towards Wiess. I ground and told ruby that wake me up if the match is over. She nodded then I have my power nap.

I woke up with all the commotion around I look and seeing ruby go outside the classroom like she's chasing someone. I lazily told Mr peter that I need to go to the restroom and walked out of the class I sneakily go to the corner seeing ruby and port talking about something. About that whole leadership thing. Ozpin walked away then I turn to the corner, telling ruby that Ozpin was right its not a mistake on his part, etc. 

(Sorry, the chapter is short.)

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